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For several days it was pain, torture, and abuse. There wasn't a moment where we would rest. I got spilt up from my aunt two days ago, and all I was left with was worry and dread.

My aunt doesn't take shit from anyone; that's what makes me worried.

The dread was waking up to the same pair of crimson eyes. The man Adam was always the one to wake me; only to remind me that I'm his. That no matter what I say or do can change that. But I be damned if I'm going to sit around like a puppy and wait for his command.

I'm not as outspoken and courageous as my family members, but I know how to give shit back to people.

I was harshly grabbed and forced to sit in a uncomfortable position where one of my legs were folded underneath my bum. I clenched my teeth in order to keep quiet. I didn't want to give these bastards the satisfaction of my pain.

Adam crouched in front of me and forced me to look into his eyes.
"This is my favorite game where the human acts like they do not feel the pain," He says leaning closer to me "you will feel it today."

My long black hair is suddenly pulled from behind and yanked to a point where I can't help but to let out a yelp.
The person drags me to the other side of the room where there are chains connected to the wall.

Adam takes me from the man's tight grip and shoves me against the wall with my arms above my head. My wrist are chained tightly and the fabric of my shirt are ripped from my body.

I can feel Adam mockingly carressing my bare waist with his long finger.
"This may hurt just a little" he says in into my ear.

I am left with a few seconds of silence before a rippling 'CRACK' echos thorough the air. I give out a high pitched scream as the whip tears my skin.





The pain is unbelievable, and I pray to God to take my life now. I beg him to stop and give me mercy; and thank the heavens he does.

Footsteps near me slowly and I can feel him behind me. "Now," he says "how was that for turture?"

Tears stream down my face violently but I don't make a sound. He hums and unchains my wrist. I cover my chest before I fall into Adam's arms.

He lifts me carefully, almost in a gental manner. He carries me through the long corridor; his stance is stiff and tence, and his eyes are as black as the midnight sky. I have a good guess why; blood is dripping down my back and onto his white shirt and pale arms.

My eyes drop slowly and I can hear Adam's voice saying my name, but I am unable to answer. All I can respond to is the unsettling darkness which decides my fate. My desires of life and death are equal. I yearn for death to rid of the agony, and anger, and to never see this gorgeous man agian. I yearn for life to be able to see my family's smiles agian, and to live to see the day this beautiful man's life come to an end.


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