Chapter 20

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"I made it sweetie, because this is my territory. And you demons have no right to be here, my son is the only demon allowed to be here! You're trespassing my place! Get the hell outta here or else you'll also get ganked by the king of hell." A ginger head woman in black came in with uncle Sammy and Claire. I think she doesn't hurt them since they looked fine.

"The king is here, we gotta go." Demons said.

"What about me?" Pete yelled.

"Darling, you'll just stay there until I say so." Rowena caressed her fingers on Pete's jaw.

"Guys, are you okay?" Uncle Sammy asked.

"Yes we are. Rowena, where's Crowley?
My dad asked.

"He's just ganking some mean demons outside, giving his children some lesson." Rowena winked.

"You're looking for me, my bestfriend?" A man entered. I think he's Crowley.
"Oh, look who's here. Father is that you?" He said after he saw Lucifer.


Things are just getting weirder in every minute. I looked for Klyde and I saw her lying on the floor.

"Klyde!" I ran towards her. I looked up to Dean and saw him drawing angel sigil on the wall

"It can make aunt Brooke and Klyde vanished as well as Cass." I protested.

"No they're not, if you and Sammy take them out immediately." Just like what Dean said we carried the three outside before it's too late. Fortunately, we already got out before Dean finished the angel sigil.

"Rowena what happened to her?" I asked. "Lucifer and Michael forced to get inside her body. These just made her weak but don't worry she's fine." Rowena explained.

"Thank you guys for helping us."
Aunt Brooke said.

"Its nothing." Rowena smiled. "After what the brothers did to help us, what we did was just nothing."

Dean got out with his knife. Sam asked him what happened inside and he said that Lucifer and Michael had vanished but still we're not safe especially Klyde.

Everyone's fine except for Klyde. She's staring from nowhere, motionless. I guess she felt horrible about what happened. Things are hard for me but I think it's much harder to her.

We decided not to talk about it for awhile. All we need to do is to make sure that Klyde's safe from everyone.



Things already happened. Lucifer and Michael got out from the cage. We cannot stop what's happening because it's meant to happen. All we can do is to make things easier for Klyde and for the rest of us.

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