Chapter 12*

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Opening my eyes I see a bright light shining into them.

"Good to have you back Katherine." The doctor turns off the light, then sits me up. "So how are you feeling? Anything hurt?" I shake my head while checking myself. Everything seems fine except for the big boot on my left foot.

All I can remember is I was standing on the diving board then- oh. I remember now.

"So Ms. Carson you have a cut on the right side of your head. Not major, but we did check it just in case and put a bandage on it. Also your boyfriend tells me you feel off the diving board. It seems to me as if you fell head first and tried to grab the board as you were falling, which cause your foot to hit either the board or something under it fracturing your ankle. To give your foot more stability and to avoid crutches we have you the boot. Know it should be on there for a month. Be careful and don't put too much pressure on your foot. Meaning no running. You are very lucky the person that gave you CPR didn't crack a rib." Thankfully that didn't happen. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be.

Wait, how long have I been in here?

"I'll go wake your family up. They haven't left since you arrived." The doctor walks out patting my shoulder. "Also thank your boyfriend for saving your life. If he didn't know CPR your family would probably be in a different situation." He closes the door leaving me in my thoughts.

So it was Julian that saved me. What happened to the girl that pushed me?

"Katherine?" Looking up at the door I see Julian stepping in. "How are you feeling. I'm so sorry this is my fault. I should have kept a better eye on you. I am so sorry Rine." Julian leans down cupping my face. I roll my eyes and kiss him softly on the lips. "Are you not mad at me? Cause you should be." Your brother almost killed me when he got here." Hospitals are not a good memory for my family.

"Knock, knock." The door opens and Landon and Aubrey step in. "Hey little sister." Landon jumps on my bed earning a glare from me. "So I called mom and dad last night and they should be arriving any minut-"

"My baby!" The door slams open as my mom rushes in pushing Julian to the side to hug me. "It's okay mommy's here I got you." Oh my gosh everyone is treating me like I'm a baby.

"Honey backup your being a little dramatic." Did grabs her shoulders and pulls her back.

"Dramatic? My daughter Almaty drowned. This is the second time I almost lost he-"

"Mom!" Aubrey screams to stop her.

The room is left in silence, as mom realizes what she was about to say. Everyone looks away or gets their phone out.

"So don who are you?" Dad asks looking at Julian.

"I'm Julian Valdez sir." Dad nods and stares him down. "So you're the boy I've been hearing about?" Julian gulps and scratches his neck. "Well son good luck with her she's always been a handful. If you ever need to run I own an island and I can get a plane to fly you there. Katherine doesn't know where it is." Dad laughs and slaps him on the back as I stare at him in shock.

"That's my daughter you're talking about." Mom hits dad on the arm.

"What I'm just warning the boy to run while he can." Dad holds his keys out to Julian trying to get him to grab them.

"I'm good sir. I happen to like your daughter a lot and whatever comes with her." Julian says making my dad's smile slip off.

"Gosh you really are a goner." My dad sighs then he turns serious. Let me tell you if you ever hurt my daughter my best friend from high school is a highly trained sniper." Julian jumps back a little bit scared.

"So who did this to my sister?" Aubrey asks while taking a selfie on her phone.

"Some girl that we will never see again." Julian smirks.

What did he do?

"Okay everyone time to go visiting hours are over." The doctor rushes everyone out. "Sleep tight Katherine." He closes the door leaving me in my thoughts.

Waking up the next morning I find myself fully dressed and people moving about my room.

What is going on?

Finally a nurse looks to see that I'm up.

"Good Ms. Carson you're up." I stare at her trying to get her to tell me what's going on. "Oh well you're getting signed out today. Your boyfriend just left. Your parents are signing you out right now. When you stand up be careful, you might be a little light headed. Also your boot be careful with it." She picks up her stuff and walks out.

Following her advice I stand up slowly. Stepping forward I wobble trying not to fall with this big boot on. After a few steps I just hop into the bathroom. Once I turn the light on I gasp. I look like I got hit by a bus, run over five times, then dragged by a car.

My hair is in a pony tail. My head has a faint scar on it along with a couple of purple patches. The rest of my body is covered by a over sized hoodie and sweatpants.

"Katherine honey." Mom appears in the bathroom smiling at me. "You ready to go?" She grabs my hands helping me out the door. "Your dad left in his car to go get dinner ready. Are you hungry?" I shake my head as we walk out into the hall way. "Okay do you want Julian to stay over since he seems to help you sleep?

How does she know that? Dad is going to kill me. Crap, they installed a high tech security system after I was kidnapped.

"You looked shocked dear. It's fine me and your dad understand. We're not going to take away the only thing that makes you happy, although I had to explain it to your dad. You are still his little girl and he doesn't want anything to happen to you." He's mostly the reason I stayed locked up in my room.

Mom pressed the elevator button and it soon arrives taking us to the parking garage. Once the doors open were escorted into a black vehicle. Of course we have to have a driver. During the ride I get a text from Landon saying that he got me my favorite drink from the coffee shop and its in the refrigerator.

"We are here." The door opens and we make our way inside.

"If you need anything let me know." Mom hugs me then walks into the kitchen.

Making my way upstairs I walk into my room. Just before I can close the door Tye runs in and jumps on my bed. Closing the door after my adorable dog, I sit on the bed next to him and immediately open on my lap top.

Katherine Carson seen at hospital. Her brother Landon confirmed it was nothing serious, just a broken foot. Sources say it happened after her date with Julian at his house. So what happened? Did she drop something on her foot? No, she supposedly tripped off the side of the pool causing her foot to slam on the floor. We think it's more than that, since her parents came rushing home. Check in tomorrow for more news into this incident.

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