Chapter 26

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"He got you pregnant?" Dr. Michaels asks in shock.

"Yes he did." I say.

"Where is the baby?" He asks.

"That's the thing. I loved that child, but I couldn't have it come into the world were it would be seen as the bad thing about my life. Where it could have been mistreated and hated on because of who it's father was. Adoption was not an option. I felt like the safest option was abortion. It was the most painful thing I ever had to do. To get rid of a beautiful life." I cry.

"What's wrong with adoption. No one would know the child's background?" I glare at him.

"People always find out. I have heard stories about kids in the system and how it's over crowded. I couldn't do that to the child. The system is screwed up. It would have been worse in there than with me." I say.

"Not every child ends up with that fait." He says.

"I couldn't take that chance, so I did what I needed to do." He nods his head. "I was a young mother under the age of eighteen having to make a huge decision with no one to turn to. I know some people are against abortion, but what about people in my situation. No matter the circumstances no one asked to be forced upon. If every person who got pregnant on accident put the child in foster care we would have a problem on our hands. Their would be just to many kids. Some would get adopted, but not all. People deserve a choice in life. I think I made the best choice." The best choice a teenager like me could make.

"So you don't regret killing your child?" The doctor asks really offended that I said that. This is why we have problems. People take things out of context.

"When you are a couple of weeks along its not really a child. It's not even alive. There is a certain point in a pregnancy where doctors tell you, you can not get an abortion. Just like in the delivery room doctors tell you if their is a problem they will save you nit the child because you are alive already the child is not." The doctors face shows me that he did not expect that to come out if my mouth. Smiling I pick up the glass of water and drink all of it.

"Do you ever want children again?" Depends on where I am in life.

Taking a deep breath I ponder my words before I speak. "Yes I would love to have kids. Don't get me wrong I would have loved to have that child with me right here today, but the time wasn't right. That was the hardest decision of my life, but I had todo what I thought was right." Again, I was a teenager while all of this was going on. I wasn't even an adult. My parents were still driving me around.

"Well think you all for watching and we hope you have a great evening." The doctor smiles at the camera.

I stop the recording from yesterday and look at Aubrey. She stares at the television for a long time before she finally looks at me and pulls me into the tightest hug of my life. I hug her back just as tight as she rubs my back.

"If anything you would have been a great mother." I laugh as she leans back smiling at me.

"Katherine." Looking up I see Julian standing in the entryway with a bouquet of white roses.


Nothing about me is pure or our former relationship.

"I'll leave you two alone." As soon as Aubrey leaves I glare at him.

"You're not on the list to be let in." I spit at him.

"I know it's just I saw the interview." Really? He saw my interview I am so amazed. I thought no one was going to watch it. It never once crossed my mind that Julian would be one of those millions of viewers.

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