Chapter 16

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"All passengers please buckle up we are now landing." Sitting up straight I put on my seat belt. Looking over I see Julian in his seat buckled up. Of course he's shirtless.

Who flys shirtless?

Looking out the window I stare at the beautiful city of Paris. I can't believe that I'm actually here. I feel like I'm in one of those princess stories where I get my happy ending.  I always heard how beautiful the city was at night but now, that I can actually see it for my self it's more than just beautiful.

It's breathtaking.

Turning around I come face to face to Julian staring at me. Was he watching me the whole time while I was looking out the window? If he was he is a creepy weirdo, but he's my weirdo.

"Do you like it?" He asks smiling at me with his bed hair. Nodding my head he smiles back at me.

"Good. Since its late I don't have anything planned and you need to rest anyways. You gave us all quite a scar. If it wasn't for your parents you wouldn't be here right now. I still don't want to bring you, but I shouldn't let what happens ruin our plans. So just for today we are going to stay in our hotel and relax. Is that okay with you?" It's not even that big of a deal.

I'm still alive and the hospital obviously said it was a mistake. What happens was my throat started swelling up ,due to a allergic reaction, cutting off my oxygen supply. The little crumbs on top of the marshmallows seemed to have little shellfish pieces in the . How they got on their? No one knows how.

"I've made sure there is no shellfish in the whole hotel." Many girls would love to have a boyfriend like this, but I am a dependent girl who likes to care for herself.

"We have now landed. In just a second you will be able to leave." Thank you for landing safely.

"What do you want to do while we're here?" There's so many things to do, I can't even decide.


"Rine come on get up." Opening my eyes I see Julian looking at me smiling. "It's ten and we need to get up so we can go explore." Sitting up I stretch and look around to see he's dressed and the smell of breakfast lingers in the air.

An hour later I'm dressed in a pair of jeans and a Bonjour shirt.

"Come on let's go." Julian grabs my hand and leads me out the door. Once down the stairs I see a car waiting for us. Getting in I smile looking at the bustling city. "Tour Eiffel, s'il vous plaît." Julian smiles at me as I gawk at him. Since when could he speak French?

"Oui monsieur." The doors lock as we pull off.

"Pose next to the door for me." Doing as he asks I smile. Turning his phone around I see the Eiffel Tower behind me. My eyes widen as I turn around to see it. Is this really happening? "If you noticed we can see the tower from the hotel." I love him.

The car stops on the side of the road pulling behind a line of taxi's.

"Come on." Julian gets out and opens my door for me while grabbing my hand.

"Do you like it?" What kid of question is that? Of course I like it. "Let's get closer." We stroll closer to the tower holding hands, while taking in the breath taking scenery.

Once we're closer to the statue I look up amazed. This tower holds so much history.

This tower finished in 1889 was designed by Stephen Sauvestre, Gustave Eiffel, and many others. Sauvestre was the architect and Eiffel the engineer. Gustave also designed the Statue of Liberty. He had the parts shipped to the United States of America in small pieces. The bones of our lady are actually very similar to the tower. A lot of people don't know that the statue was originally bronze, but rusted and turn green due to the weather. So now when certain parts need to be fixed they let bronze sit out in the weather so it can rust turning it into its green color we know today.

"Katherine!" Snapping my head up I see Julian waving his hand in my face. "I've been calling you for hours." He laughs at me. "We're here for three days. I have to go back to start filming again." I shrug and look at the structure more closely. It's surprising the things you can learn from books.

"Come on let's take a picture." Julian walks off then comes back walking with a lady wearing high fashion everything. From her hair to her shoes. It seems as if she's a walking model.

"Hi I'm Regina." She smiles at me. I shake her hand smiling. "So you two just stand in the middle and I want to do one of the typical romance pictures except Julian I want your leg up like a girl would do and I want Katherine to kiss your cheek." We get on the pose and she takes lots of pictures and calls things out to us with gathers an audience.

"Babe I think we're famous." Julian flips his non existent long hair.

"That's great guys." Regina walks towards us and hands Julian his phone. "Katherine when your foot is healed give me a call. I own a modeling agency and I think you are the right fit for us." She hands me a card out of her purse and walks off. "Oh and you will be reviving a letter in the mail from me." Did that really just happen?

"I'll hold that for you come on." Julian grabs my hands and we start to walk till I freeze.

Why is he here? I thought he was in Jail. The one person that hunts my dreams. The reason I'm mute. Realizing I see him he smiles and taps his wrist then walks off blending in with the crowd.


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