Chapter 17

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Eating the last bit of the soup I sit back. Today we are leaving and this whole trip all I've been is paranoid.

I haven't seen Malcolm since the first day, but I feel like people have been watching me. Julian hasn't noticed me not being into the trip anymore. Except for when we went to the catacombs. He thought I was scared of the dark, but it was for a totally different reason. It reminded me of the cabin.

The only place I felt safe is in Notre Dame. The cathedral was absolutely beautiful.

"Are you ready to go?" Julian asks helping me out of my chair. Grabbing my hand we walk out the Café putting our sunglasses on. When the paparazzi on found out we were here they started follow us everywhere.

Walking across the street we walk in the hotel taking the elevator up to our room.

"I'll pack our bags you just sit and rest your foot okay." Leaning in he pecks my lips then walks off leaving me blushing. I'll never get use to his kisses. Especially last night when things got a little heavy. We got down to Julian's underwear and me in my bra and short shorts. We stopped when I accidentally kicked Julian in his private area when he tried to pull my shorts off. Let's just say he slept with ice in his pants that night.

Leaning back on the bed I sigh. My boot finally comes off tomorrow and I can't wait. Who would ever think you would injure anything but your head on a diving board.

"Hey Rine change of plans. So someone needed my jet and so we've been transferred to a first class flight that leaves on thirty minutes meaning we have to go now." Crap. Sitting up quickly I gather my phone and purse and rush out the room following Julian.

Once we reach the elevator we slide in and I press the ground button.

"Did you like the trip?" Julian glances at me smiling. I nod my smiling thinking of the little mime I saw in the park.


The doors slide open showing the busy lobby. Stepping out the elevator a man grabs our bags leading us to the car waiting for us outside.

Once we arrive at the airport we bypass the check points and ushered onto the plane. Once were settled in our seats I sit back relaxed.

"Excuse me." Both of our head look up to see a woman smiling down at us. "I'm a really big fan. Would you mind if you signed this for me?" Turning my head I look out the window.

"Rine you sign this too." Julian tries to hand it to me.

"No I just want yours thank you." She takes her poster and walks down the isle back to her seat.

I'm going to sleep. Closing my eyes I drift off.


"Katherine come on and get up." Opening my eyes I find myself on a couch in the living room. "How was the trip? Did you and Julian do anything?" Emma jumps on me landing right on my stomach.

"Emma your going to kill her." When did Aubrey get here?

"Oh yeah she's here visiting your parents. So I've heard a rumor me I want to know if it's true. Did a Regina talk to you in Paris? She claims you will be her newest model." I nod my head whisk plunging my face into the pillows.

"Wait Regina wants Kat for real?" Aubrey asks in shock. "I thought she was joking. I mean I never thought you were interested. At least it's a job were you don't have to talk." Aubrey laughs at her joke but she's the only one.

"Aubrey that wasn't nice." Emma stands up for me. "It was actually kind of rude and you should apologize to your sister." She's acting like my mother right now.

"Sorry just trying to lighten the mood. So Rine your recital is coming up right? I don't think I will be able to make it. My manager signed me up for sow thing that I can't get out of. I'm sorry but I've got someone recording it for me." At least she's trying.

Sitting up I give her a thumbs up and rub my eyes. I wish me and Julian could go on another vacation. Away from all the drama.

"Well you girls have fun I'm going to go. Oh and Emma I know about you and Landon screwing each other for fun." She's such a liar. The door slams soon after followed by a car racing out of the driveway.

"I feel like you need to tell me something." Emma sits down on the floor in front of me worried. Pulling out my phone I type the words and show her. "Your joking right? Of course your not. Kat you need to tell someone this isn't good. He was following you, and he followed you all the way to Paris." I know that.

"Malcolm is no one to play with." Well duh. I know that better than anyone. "Gosh I'm so worried about you right now. You've just got out of your shell and I don't want you to go back in." I hope I won't.

"Why are you talking about that disgrace of a man?" Mom steps in the room.

"No we're talking about a movie." Emma covers.

"Sure. Did Aubrey already leave?" I nod my head while playing with my fingers.

"Okay bye." Once she leaves I sigh.

"How about you just take a nap." That sounds good.

Leaning back on the couch I close my eyes as fear creeps over me. Something bad is going to happen in the near future and I'm scared.

The next chapter things are going to pick up speed.

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