Chapter 24

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"We are now landing." The security guard notified us coming out of the cock pit.

"Thank you." Emma nods as he heads back in. Both of us buckle up ready to get off this plane. "So how much does he exactly know? How much was in that book?" I told Emma my dad found the book. Who knows what he's done with it.

"Everything." Everything that's ever happened is in that book. The reports the files, I hid everything in that book.

"I'm so sorry," Emma grabs my hands. "We're the pictures still in their?" I freeze realizing what she just said. "We're in deep trouble." Emma leans back.

The plan lands and we're immediately escorted into the car and we speed off. Arriving at my house in record time seeming as we had a police escort. No one will answer Emma as to why the police are escorting us, so we can only assume the worse.

"I'm going to Lily's place. I need to have a talk with her. I'll be back here as soon as possible I promise." Getting out the car I realize police cars are lined up my parents driveway.

Walking into the house I see police everywhere. In the foyer, going up and down the stairs, carrying boxes, and some reading threw, wait those are my books! I try to step that way, but I'm pulled back and led to the family room to see mom, dad, Landon, and Aubrey.

"Katherine take a seat," Dad says. Doing as told I look at my family members to see none of them will look at me. Mom seems to have tears in her eyes along with Aubrey, and Landon keeps clenching and unclenching his fist.

"Honey why did you hide this from us?" Mom looks up at me sadly.

"I'm sorry?" I try to act confused. I never wanted them to find out like this. I never wanted them to find out period.

"You know what mom is talking about." Landon looks up at me with a look I've never seen him direct at me. "You know exactly what they are talking about." He throws the files on the table along with my book, and the pictures.

"Let's see, Today was the worse. He made me stay in my room all day naked without a blanket after yesterday. I pray every night hoping that someone will find me. Malcolm says that I'm his forever and that he's watched me forever. Earlier he came in around noon and-"

"Stop!" I scream crying. Why would he read that to me?

"That's not the worse part there's pictures in here of you that the police took. Of how they found you,many the pictures that sick man took." Landon spits

"You had the judge lie to all of us." Dad looks at me angry. I nod crying. "Why?" He asks.

"I was ashamed. I didn't want anyone to know what truly happened." I look at my mom to see she's crying into her lap.

"You never have to be ashamed around me. If I would have known I would have killed him my self." Dad comes over and hugs me. "No one touches my baby girl. No one hurts my kids." That's when I see my dad break down for the second time in my life. The first time was when they found me. Looking over my dads shoulder I find Aubrey crying into the shoulder of Landon while he rubs her back.

"Why didn't you tell us he touched you?" Aubrey asks. "I always thought you were lying because the story seemed so fabricated. I've been such a bitch to you because I thought you just wanted attention." Aubrey jumps up and runs out of the room dodging all the police.

"She's taking it the hardest." Mom gives me a sad smile.

"It's all my fault. If I would have just kept an eye on her she wouldn't be in this situation. My one mistake caused all this to happen." Landon sighs. "I'm going to go check on Aubrey." Landon gets up and walks out of the room.

"Why are the police here dad?" I whisper.

"Honey I'm so sorry, but somehow he escaped. Some women helped him. He had her believing he was in love with her and know she's in jail." He's free. He really is. "Don't worry they just caught the man in New York. He's in jail awaiting trial. No one is going to hurt you Katherine." I can only hope he's telling the truth.

"Honey we've had to schedule an interview for you." Mom speaks up. "The media always finds things out so we thought it would be better if you told so they can't twist the story around." I nod my head not wanting any more drama.

Suddenly a police officer runs in looking frightened, "Sir we just found Lily Summers dead. We've confirmed it was Malcolm that killed her." Emma was with her. Please tell me this is some sick joke.

"I'm sorry Katherine." Dad looks at me with pity.

"There's something else too. We've confirmed there was another body there. They were injured badly, but not to the extent as Ms. Summers. It seems as if he was leaving a message. On the wall in Lily's blood was, this is only a warning." He really wants me back. He's coming.

"Who was the other person." The officer looks at me sadly then back to my dad. 

"Emma Bishop." You could hear a pin drop as the room was drowned in silence.

"Your lying." Landon walks in the room furious. "She's okay, she's on her way back here right this moment." Landon takes out his phone and starts dialing her number.

Just as it rings the first time the front door opens and in walks the FBI with a plastic bag with a phone covered in blood that looks just like Emma's.

"No!" Landon throws his phone shattering it against the wall.

"Pack everything up were taking over now." He yells as I go to comfort Landon.

"All I can say is that Emma is fine, the baby is under stress right now which is not good. The baby is in critical condition."

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