Chapter 2

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Alfea College for Fairies

"Wake up sleepy heads,"the maid sang,"It's time for ballet class."All the girls moan as they wake up."But it's 9 in the morning,"said Stella,"I need my beauty sleep." "Katara,"the maid said,"what's the matter? You love ballet." "I'm coming,"Katara finally said. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom and got dressed. The girls were soon in the ballet room.They were dressed in their beautiful ballet clothes which were designed by Stella and ready to dance. "Katara,this is not not like you,turned that frown upside down,"said Ms.Smile,their ballet teacher.Katara didn't say a word and the rest of the girls looked at each other worrying.The ballet music began to play and in an hour ballet class was over.The girls then went up to their room."You can't hide forever,"Bloom said."Why can't I,"replied Katara,"I'm just going to be disappointed again." "I have an idea,what if we apply for Alfea,just for a day,and cover ourselves up so we don't attract any attention,"suggested Stella. "That's a stupid idea we'll get caught for sure,"said Bloom. "She did say for one day," Katara pointed out,"and we'll hide our true identities.This might actually work!" Bloom and Flora looked at Stella with rage. "What?" Stella said. "You just had to bring her to the bad side,you just had to,"commented Flora.As Katara pulled out her laptop and enrolled for the school,the girls had worried faces and the next day they were off. When   they arrived they were amazed at what they saw. Fairies in their charmix power,girls with their fairy animals and much more. "Welcome to the Alfea College for fairies girls. I'm headmistress Farogonda. I'm sure you'll love it here but i just can't understand why you enrolled for only 1 day."said Farogonda."Oh um..............,"Katara shuddered because she can't tell a lie. "Emergencies,"said Flora with a save,"we have emergencies back at home but this is a test for the perfect school." "Well I'm sure we'll pass because this is the best school for fairies yet. Why don't you go look around and make some friends while your here,"said Farogonda. As soon as she said friends,Katara beamed with excitement."Great job  Kya Junior you almost blew our cover,"said Flora. Katara made a frown."Quit it Flora,you hurting her feelings,"said Bloom. "Sorry," Flora said. "It's okay,"replied Katara. They girls walked into the school giving aw to everything. Katara then past by a room. In that room their was a girl playing what Katara thought was angel music.She then noticed how she was being bullied."You call that music!" one girl said. "Man my grandma could play better than you and she don't even know what this century music is," The bullies laugh at the mean and hurtful comment. Katara felt so sorry for that girl that she nearly cried but she tried to hold it in. As those girls left,one of them purposely bumped into Katara." Hey you need glasses watch where you going freak!" yelled the girl. Now Katara really was going to cry but she hold it in and walked to the girl who was playing the music. It was ironic because that girl who said that was wearing glasses.Tears were coming out of the girl's eyes."Hey don't listen to them.I think your music is great. Will you play another song for me?"Katara said

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