Chapter 11

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The Keeper of the Dragon Flame Stone

The Winx and Specialists ended up on the planet,Pyros, and saw the beautiful view."Beautiful,isn't it?" the guy said to Katara. "Yea but we are not here for a vacation so lets focus on the mission,"Katara said as she went away from the guy. Timmy came up and put his hand on the guy's shoulder. "You know,Katara,this isn't like you,"Bloom said. "I don't like the fact that he's hiding himself,"Katara said. An unconscious Stella finally woke up in Brandon's  arms saying,"What?Where am I?" "We made it to Pyros,"Brandon said. "Wow,I could use a vacay,"Stella said. "STELLA! We're on a mission,"Katara said. "Oh right," Stella said going back to sleep. The group went on to the volcano in front of them knowing that probably the keeper is in the volcano when suddenly,they were attacked. "That must be a guard!" Bloom yelled. Stella quickly woke up noticing the dragon. "Remember what Saladin said. We need to show ourselves worthy.Specialists! Go take cover! Same for you Tecna and Musa!"Katara said. "What?! No way. We are fighting together,"Musa said. "It's not really much of a fight but okay,"Katara said. "We need to show this creature that we need to be here,"Flora said. "Ok. I got it.We will control the elements to show that we are the elementals sisters," Katara suggested. "Got it!"everyone replied. Tecna and Musa stayed back in case of emergencies. "STELLA,CHARMIX!"
It's the power of Charmix,
your magical light
the power of charmix
and you will shine bright
spread you wings and fly
lighting up the sky
it's easy if you try
Katara flew to the nearest stream of water and began controlling it make some beautiful twist and twirls. Flora made the rocks fly and the animals come to her and the trees and plants growing and answering her. Bloom made fire. She formed the fire into many shapes and made it grow while Stella made the wind do what she wants she also made the sun shine brighter and less bright. The creature noticed this and stopped and said,"You must be here to talk with master Aiden,the keeper of the dragon flame,"The dragon said. "Yes we are and we are not alone. Our friends are helping us on this mission and we better hurry before another attack of the Trix happens again,"Katara said. "Then go,go to the center of the volcano and the keeper will look into each of your souls to prove you worthy,"The dragon finished as it stepped aside for them to go in the volcano.The group heard a loud ROAR as they approached the center of the volcano. Bloom grabbed Sky,Stella grabbed Brandon,Musa grabbed Riven,Tecna grabbed Timmy, Flora grabbed Helia,and Katara grabbed the mystery guy. "Nice to see you're at least touching me,"the guy said and Katara backed away. The Winx and Specialists went and approached the keeper of the dragon flame."Nice to see the elementals sisters had finally arrived,"The dragon said,"But uhhhhhh. Who are they?" "These are our friends. They volunteered to help us on our mission and we better hurry. We need to know where is the dragon flame stone hidden,"Katara said." Ah. That Daphne risked everything to protect the magic dimension.The dragon flame stone,I can't tell you clearly but in a riddle in case of any spies.
Search far and wide
to the place where this all began
and uncover a very big secret
for the stone will be lying there
in a safe shaped like a sphere with sides
with four keys that lies inside
for when all keys are in the locks all at once
will you get what you are looking for."

The group began wondering what the riddle meant."I got it!Where it all began. The INFINITE OCEAN!"Katara said. "And uncover a big secret which means we have to understand something to get there,"Flora said. "And the keys that lies inside,that must be us,"Bloom said."According to my calculations,it is impossible for there to be a sphere with sides,"Tecna said."Which means it must not be a sphere but a different shape,"Stella said. Katara turned to the dragon and asked,"I don't get it,keeper,why didn't you check to see if we were worthy?" "Because the way you spoke to me and how you figured out the riddle together showed me that you are already worthy,"the dragon answered,"and please call me Aiden." "Ok,Aiden, thank you for your help,"Katara said and went with the group out. Bloom ran backed and said,"I was told that I had most of the dragon flame in me.Why does that have to come to my attention because my sisters and I all have part of the dragon flame?" "You will learn why soon,Bloom,"Aiden said and Bloom left.They Winx and Specialists are now going back to Alfea to ask Miss Farogonda some questions.

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