Chapter 16

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The truth:part 2

The Winx and Specialists soon arrived at Domino. They were greeted by the kingdom and their parents. "I'm so glad you could make it,"Kya said. "Anything for you mom,"Bloom replied. "Ok we have a few things to tell you girls and it have something to do with us and Katara,"Jeremy said. Katara's eyes widen.Me?! What's up with ME?!,she thought. "We have been holding it in for a while but we figured it's finally time but now we shall have a ball for the return of the princesses,"Kya said."A ball!!!!! OMG. I just thought of the perfect outfit,"Stella yelled excitedly. "i see fashion Stella is back,"Jeremy said. "yea you can't blame her,"Flora said. Katara turned to our parents and asked,"Mom,Dad. What is wrong with me?" "Like I said,after the ball," Kya replied. Katara thought she was going to faint again but she didn't.HUH maybe because i was brought back to life i was cured,Katara thought.
The Winx went into the elemental sisters' room. All they can say was,"WOW....." "SO many of this and that,"Musa said.
Stella came out of her, what seemed like the size of the biggest mall in the world, closet and dropped like a million clothes on Tecna.
"When and how did you do this,"Tecna said taking a beautiful green and purple gown off her."Princesses/fairies DUH.OOHH that would look great on you," Stella said taking that gown out of Tecna's hand. She threw Tecna into her dressing room and said,"Try it on!TRY IT ON!" Tecna came out in the gown and looked beautiful. Stella took Tenca,put her in front of her gigantic mirror, and said,"This is the one." "yea ok," Tena replied.
"Hmm you'll look great in this Bloom,"Stella said as she grabbed Bloom into her closet. Bloom came out in a beautiful dark blue dress.
"Ohhhhh Sky is going to go crazy,"Stella said. "What,what are you talking about?"Bloom asked beginning to blush.
"Isn't it obvious? He totally likes you like seriously dude,"Flora said. "A princess must not act like a gangster,"Katara said acting like a queen. "Yea maybe I should start calling you Kya instead of Kya Junior now,"Flora said and the Winx laughed. "Ok let's talk about boys later. Flora you're all about flowers,right?"Stella asked. "Yea,"Flora replied. "Then follow me,"Stella said grabbing Flora. Flora then came out in a beautiful dress made of flowers. "And Musa-" Stella said but Musa cut her off saying,"I got my own thing so I'm good," Musa waved her arm and well some sort of disco thing came out? "Oh sweetheart you can't wear that,"Stella said. "But I got something better." "No I'm fine," Musa said. "A tinny, tiny change,"Stella begged. "Ok fine,"Musa said and that disco thing turned a little different. "Oh and do I have a dress for you sis,"Stella said turning to Katara. "Woah!" Katara yelled as Stella grabbed her into the closet.
Katara came out in a slightly lighter version of Bloom's dress and it was in a different form. She had a dark/light blue bow on her head to top it off.
"Woah,"Katara said as she looked down onto her dress. "I know right,"Stella said as she snapped her finger and a yellowish and orangish dress appeared on her,"now we are ready."
The Winx were at the ball who were greeted by the Specialists who can only say,"WOW," "Girls can you introduce me to your friends,"Kya asked. "Oh sure. Tenca and Musa. Tenca and Musa, my mother and father Queen Kya and King Jeremy,"Katara said.
"Nice to meet you your majesties,"Tenca and Musa said curtsying. "Oh please call us Kya and Jeremy,"they said.
"Girls I would like you to meet Melanie,Princess of Melody."Kya said taking the sisters to Melanie. Katara's jaw dropped because the girl was wearing the exact same dress except that it was red. "Hey it's not my fault,"Stella said. They curtseyed to Melanie and went to the snacks.
The mystery guy walked up to Katara and when she turned around and saw him she said,"Don't tell me that you are at a ball like that," "fine I won't ,"he said and uncovered the coat. "You actually," Katara said. She didn't know what to say.
"Ok there's Sky now go to him,"Stella saved as she pushed Bloom to Sky,"oh uh hi,"she said. "Hello princess. Would you like to dance?" Sky asked. Bloom was about to faint right here,right now but she didn't and said,"yes,"and took Sky's hand and walked on to the dance floor. "You see I should be the queen of hearts,"Stella said. She ran over to Timmy,grabbed him and took him over to Tecna. "Well uh you see, to ......I"Timmy tried to say. Tecna put her finger over his lips and said,"I would love to dance." Stella did the same to Flora and Helia,and Musa and Riven and when she was about to go to Katara a battle happened by the TRIX. Everyone at the kingdom ran and panicked. If they were holding something,it would now be in the air. "Calm down! Calm down!" The Winx said trying to make them calm."Come on girls! Transform!" Katara yelled and they yelled together,"MAGIC WINX,CHARMIX!"
it's the power of charmix
your magicl light
the power of charmix
and you will shine bright
spread your wings and fly
lighting up the sky
It's easy if you try
It's the power of charmix
Your magical light
The power of charmix
will lead you through the night
Spread your wings and fly
Lighting up the sky
It's easy if you try
It's the power of charmix!!!!
The Winx flew up into battle. "Why don't you learn to give up Icy!!!" Katara yelled as she trapped Icy inside a gigantic bubble of water. Of course Icy froze the water and broke it into a million pieces saying,"Because i will not and never,ever lose to a couple of fairies like you." "Selena,you still have a chance. Stay good instead of bad,"Bloom said. "No way! This feels great,"Selena said as she blasted Bloom to the ground. "Ain't nobody mess with my sister. You mess with them,you mess with me,"Flora said and she was about to go to Selena until Darcy came up and said,"I don't think so flower,"
The elemental sisters' parents came out to the setting of the battle.
"Oh nice to see you want to join in Queen and King,"Icy said when she notices them. "Leave my family and kingdom alone ,"Jeremy said as he took out his sword. "Dad! No!"Katara yelled. "No can do............ORATEL" Icy said. Oratel,Katara thought. The Winx were all surprised. Why are these witches calling their parents a totally different name?!

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