Chapter 13

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The Infinite Ocean

"Bye Miss Farogonda!"The girls yelled as they were getting on the ship to leave. "Bye girls,I have faith in you," Miss Farogonda answered. After a long time of traveling the girls and boys finally arrived at the gate of the infinite ocean."Ok. We're here. MAGIC WINX,CHARMIX!"they all yelled together.
It's the power of charmix
your magiocal light
the power of charmix
and you will shine bright
spread your wings and fly
lighting up the sky
it's easy if you try
it's the power of charmix
your magical light
the power of charmix
will lead you through the night
spread your wings and fly
lighting up the sky
it's easy if you try

"Be careful,Katara,"The mystery guy said."I will,"Katara said and the elemental sisters flew into the ocean while the others stay guard. "I hope this works,"Katara said. "OCEANS CALL!!!" "SUN RISE!!" FLAMING ATTACK!!" NATURE'S CALL!!" the elementals said as they shot the spells at the gate. "It didn't work. Oh me and my stupid ideas,"Katara said. "Wait look,"Bloom said. Katara took her head out of her friends to see the gate slowly forming. "The gate must of noticed that we are the elementals so it is trying to open at least a little,"Flora said. "Then hurry let's go through,"Stella yelled, "The sooner the better. I need a vacation." "STELLA!We are on a mission now lets go drama queen!"Katara yelled as she grabbed Stella.The elementals swam as quickly as the can to the portal until Katara's foot got stuck. "Help!"Katara yelled as her sisters came back and pulled her as if their life depends on it. They finally freed her which got her to the other side of the ocean."Thanks,"Katara said as she swam back to her sisters. "No problem,Kya Junior, now lets go,"Flora said. As the Winx were swimming,they were fading away."What's going on?My beautiful skin is going away,"Stella said. "It's because were in the infinite ocean without sirenix,"Bloom said. "Which means soon were going to get out of the infinite ocean which also means we need to hurry,"Katara added. "Then how about a boost,Kya Junior?"Flora asked. "On it. FIERCE WAVES!!"Katara yelled as a strong wave pushed the girls forward like a mega boost. "Great job,Katara,"Stella said.,"But my skin is still fading again which is not great." "Stella can we focus on the most important thing right now,"Bloom said. "You're right...............ME,"Stella said.The rest of the girls rolled their eyes and continued swimming. "Ok girls remember,a sphere with sides. It could be a hexagon,octagon,or more,"Katara said. The girls then came upon a figure. "A sphere with sides,"Katara said. "You think that's it?"Bloom asked."Only one way to find out,"Katara said.
-----------------------back at Cloud Tower-----------------------
"Another defeat!" Icy yelled as she punched the punchbag so hard that her ice froze it and it exploded. "Hey we hate being defeated also but you don't see us making a punchbag explode in our faces,"Stormy said. "Oh shut up,Stormy,"Darcy said. "No you shut up idiot!"Stormy said as she punched Darcy. "That's it! I had it with you!"Darcy yelled as she multiplied and attacked all at once. "Oh so this is how we are going to play. CHARGE-" Stormy was cut off by Icy. "STOP! Save your anger for the Winx,"Icy said as she froze her sisters in place,"Because this is just the beginning."She then unfroze the two sisters. "Yea and because Darcy can't handle all this,"Stormy said sticking he tongue at her. "Ok let's do this right here,right now!" Darcy yelled forming a fist with her hand. "Ugh! Stop acting like babies! HEESH!" Icy said. "Whatever. I'm done with her," Darcy said. "Yea because you're scared," Stormy said. "Nuh-uh," "A-huh," "Nuh-uh," "A-huh," "Nuh-uh," "A-huh," "Nuh-" "Stop it!!!! Your acting like stupid babies! The Winx messed up your brains!" Icy shouted being annoyed by her sisters. "Icy,don't get in the way of sister war,"Stormy said. "Icy is right. You are acting like a baby,"Darcy said. "She also said you were a baby too,"Stormy said. "SHUT UP!!!!" Darcy yelled. "Make me!" Stormy shouted back. "Ok stop it! Let's just get ready for another attack against the Winx,"Icy said. "Fine,I'm sick of her anyway,"Stormy said. "I heard they're going to go to the infinite ocean today,"Selena said. The Trix turned around. Selena was so quiet that it was like she was never there and the Trix were surprised because they didn't notice her. "Again great job,Selena,but stop being so quiet like seriously,"Icy said."Just thinking," Selena said. "Well stop thinking and give us the gossip they're already at the Infinite ocean but how. Hmmm. whatever maybe they left some scrapes for us to pick up. Trix lets go,"Icy said.
----------------------back at the infinite ocean---------------
"Ok girls ready?" Katara said. "Yes,"the rest of the girls said. "Wait a minute. I thought this safe holds signature keys,"Katara said."Uh-huh. Meaning?"Stella asked." Meaning that all you have to do is put your hand on the locks and it will scan you," Bloom answered. "But it seems as if there is this artifact we have which is the true keys," Katara said. "But it is not like we ate it because the riddle said that the key is inside of us,"Stella said. "Stella can't you see. The artifact we have must have been connected with our life. We earned the artifact by doing what we as elementals are suppose to do,"Flora said. "Hmm. Flora,do you still have that flower Helia gave you?"Katara asked. "KATARA!"Flora yelled. "Wait hold up. What did we miss?"Bloom asked. "Awwww,Flora is in love,"Stella said. "Guys this not the time,"Katara said. She looked at Flora who was now blushing. "Flora,maybe that flower is one of the keys,"Katara said. "But how?"Flora asked. "Because you made Helia feel good about his self,"Katara said. "And how did I do that?" Flora asked. "Because Helia was probably shy of his talent of poetry. Because you said that you love poetry it made him feel better. He is unleashing his talent of poetry thanks to you,"Katara answered. "I guess your right. He was blushing about the poetry-wait how did you know that?"Flora asked. "Instincts,"Katara answered. Flora then gave Katara the two flowers Helia gave her and put it in one of the locks. The lock absorb the flower and kept it until the elementals summoned it again. "It worked!" Bloom yelled. "Ok one key down,three more to go,"Stella said. The elementals began fading again and disappeared. They appeared back on the spaceship which frightened everyone. "It's just us," Katara said. "So did you get it?" Musa asked. "No we couldn't. We couldn't stay for any longer and we have to do something else ,"Bloom said. "What?"Tecna asked. "We'll tell you later lets just go,"Bloom said. At that moment another attack from the Trix happened. "OH COME ON!" They Winx yelled as they flew into battle. "You just won't give up won't you,"Katara said. "Nope because we will never lose to a couple of fairies like you,"Icy answered. "Really?" Flora asked. "Really,"Icy answered. "Ok I had enough! Girls huddle up," Katara said. "Ok let's switch our powers,"Katara said. "Wow they're acting like kids,'huddle up',"Icy mocked. "What do you mean?"Bloom asked."You,earth,Stella fire,Flora water,and me air,"Katara answered. "Ok fine,MAGIC WINX!!"the elementals yelled. Katara:Air;Bloom:earth,Stella:fire,Flora:water.When they transformed, Bloom look like Flora except her hair and the same for Katara,Stella,and Flora.

"What?!"Stormy yelled. "Ok girls lets combine our powers with Bloom's love for her family and friends,Stella's loyaly when it comes to being serious,Flora's strength,and my kindness and love for all of us,we could defeat the trix. Ready girls?"Katara said. "Ready,"they answered. "NATURE'S ATTACK!" "FIERCE FIRES!" "WATER WHIP!" "FIGHTING TORNADO!"the girls yelled as they fired the spells at the Trix. Bloom's nature attack caused all the tree's and animals to go crazy on th Trix. Stella's fire attack caused all the witches to be burned every where they went getting them on fire. Flora's water attack acted like a whip made out of water to spank the Trix. It was like a very painful sting to them. Katara's air attack made the Trix spin round and round and blow them into a tree of other objects. "Big mistake,"Icy said. "Hmm let me see how many times did you say that and we still win?"Flora said. "That's it Winx i am not going to lose again but go away,"Icy said. "But we still win,"Stella said. "Trust me not the way i think of it,"Icy said and left. They girls flew back to the ship turning into their usual forms. Katara:water,Flora:earth,Stella:air,and Bloom:fire. "Katara are you ok?"the mystery guy said running to Katara. During the battle she fell a few times because of the Trix. "Yea I'm fine,"Katara said as she shrugged herself to get his hands off her shoulder.Katara walked over to her sisters when she heard Stella asked,"So,about Helia?" "Guys not now later,"Flora said turning around with her arms crossed. Bloom turned to Katara,walked to her and said,"Katara,maybe that guy is a way to get your key." "Didn't you hear what I said?I don't like people who hide themselves,"Katara answered. "How do you know?"Bloom asked,"He could be hiding his self because he is shy or another reason. There is a saying,'don't judge a book by its cover." "I know but i-" "No buts,"Bloom said cutting Katara off. "You know youre really acting like mom right now,"Katara said as she got away from Bloom. The mystery gu saw the fight and began thinking.

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