Chapter 26:Part 1

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Fight to the Finish
They continued to chase after Icy and Selena. Icy turned around and shot ice at Katara but she dodged it. Bloom and Katara were soon chasing the two Trix over the lake and they stopped and fought over the lake. "I can't believe you,"Icy said,"but we still have the fire and water so we are 3 times more powerful." "You wish,"Bloom said and she began to shine a bright orange and red color and threw a big spell at Selena. Selena threw a spell back but Bloom dove into the water and stayed there for a while. Selena was looking down for her. "Come out,come out,wherever you are,"Selena said. Out of nowhere,Bloom bursted out of the water and kicked Selena in the back and when she was defenseless she threw another spell at her.
"I will not rest 'till I get rid of you Icy,"Katara said. "The same for me but looks like it won't be long,"Icy said as she blasted a spell at Katara. She dodged it and dove into the water twirling around. She kept on spinning and spinning until the water was like a tornado and flew out with such power. She kept the water spinning really fast and aim at Icy then fired. Icy soon hit the ground at the shore of the lake. She wiped her face then said,"Big mistake."

Flora couldn't help but run back out. "MAGIC WINX!"she yelled.
She then flew back up to the Winx. "Wha! We told you to stay until you are better,"Musa said. "I am better and I need to help,"Flora said. A monster then came to them and was about to crush then until Flora yelled,"VENUS FLYTRAP!" (don't know what it is search on Google.) A plant then grew out of the ground and grabbed the monster in its big mouth then closed it. Then there was a puff of smoke then the plant opened its mouth and disappeared. "See all better,"Flora said. "How did you do that?"Tecna asked. "You see when I was TRAPPED inside the school I decided to learn some new earth spells and figured that this one would be great,"Flora said. "Impressive but let's go,"Musa said.

The infirmary
Stella struggled and kept turning and moving. She woke up very weak and looked at her light. "Silly Flora you put it on night time mode,"she said. She got off bed holding onto the table so she wouldn't fall and went to her night light. She then kneeled with a thump as she fell to the ground. "You should've put it on emergency mode,"Stella sad as she twisted the handle to emergency mode. The light then began shining brighter and she signed with relief. She felt a little better but not completely. Stella couldn't help but noticed all that ruckus outside. She got up looked at the table with tea and some cookies with a pill beside. Her tummy grumbled and Stella said to herself,"eh why not?" She took the tea and 1 cookie then she looked at the pill then her tea then back at the pill then she finally took it. She glanced out the window taking a sip of tea then she spit the tea out in shock. She saw her friends and the witches working together to get rid of those monsters. Before Stella even put the pill in her mouth she said,"this is going to make me drunk so nah,"the she threw it out the window. "STELLA MAGIC WINX!"
We girls are the Winx
Energy created
We'll defeat the evil deeds of
"Man it hurts,"Stella said then looked out the window. "But it's for my friends." Stella took her ring and threw it up in the air yelling,"SOLARIA!" Her ring then turned into a staff and she flew down the stairs to get outside. But the time Stella got out she couldn't believe her eyes. Darcy and Stormy got the Winx surrounded and they couldn't do anything. She fell to the floor using the staff to hold her up. The she looked up at the sky with no sun and more thick dirty clouds. Stella then struggled to get up and looked at her friends. "Flora try to make some vines to hold them off for a while,"Tecna said struggling to get free from the rope the Trix put around them. "Ok I'll try,"Flora said as she closed her eyes. She tried to put her hands out but it was no use. "I can't do it. The rope is holding my hands down and probably blocking our magic,"Flora said. "Don't bother trying,"Darcy said. "Yea we will finally get rid of the Winx,"Stormy said excitedly ,"well at least 3 of them but still 3 less." "No way!"Musa said. "Katara and Bloom will stop you!"Flora said. "Katara and Bloom are fighting Icy and Selena and no one can defeat our leader Icy,"Darcy said. "Why does she have to be our leader?"Stormy asked. "I don't know but she is always bossing us around and stuff,"Darcy said. "I would be a better leader,"Stormy added. "Ha! You wish,"Darcy said and Stormy glared at her.
The three girls exchanged looks then smiled as if to say I got a plan. "Then why are you doing this?"Flora asked. "Yea betray Icy and make your own rules,"Musa added. "I mean she can't boss you forever,"Tecna also added. "Yea she's been doing that since we were in diapers and she is still doing it,"Stormy said.
The Trix(without Selena) were babies in their diapers with only a T-shirt that says,I'M THE MOST EVIL OF THEM ALL,on. Icy was making some baby noises meaning,"ok girls I don't want to be stuck in this crib so you guys jump out then take me." "What about us we might fall and hurt ourselves or get in trouble,"Stormy said. "Just do what I say,"Icy said. When the plan backfired badly there were in big trouble except for icy who was the only one left in the crib and all her life was known as the good bad witch.
They kept on hearing it over and over again as they grew older and older.
Flashback over
Darcy slapped Stormy in the head. "Idiot they are trying to get into our heads dumb-dumb,"she said. "Hey! Only Icy calls me that and your the DUMB-DUMB!"Stormy said. Darcy rolled her eyes and said,"see it is already working." "Oh big time,"Musa said. Tecna was then typing something on her TECNO device behind her."Quiet!"Darcy yelled,"LIFE OF DARKNESS!" The three girls then was weaken and fainted. "No!"Stella yelled on the background but no one heard. She fell back to the floor. Man now I wish I had taken that pill,she thought. "Stormy,you watch the girls,"Darcy said. "No don't be an Icy,"Stormy said as she crossed her arms. "I am not Icy. I just told you to do one simple thing,"Darcy said. "That's what Icy would do,"Stormy said. "I AM NOT ICY!!!!"Darcy finally yelled as icicles of darkness came out of her. "Fine but considering that fact that you just did that proves it,"Stormy said. Darcy groaned,rolled her eyes,then went for the next opponent. When Stormy saw where she when she was enraged. "She went and go have all the fun!"she said as she kicked a rock. Stormy then looked at the three unconscious girls. "They can't escape if they are not awake,"Stormy said to herself then flew in the opposite direction of Darcy.
Flora then opened one eye to take a peak. "All clear,"she said then the others opened theirs. "Wow Tecna that device of your really worked,"Musa said. "Thanks to the data I put in their I was able to block off magic from outside of this rope,"Tecna said then with a push of a button,they were free. "Whoa how did you do that?"Musa asked. "The rope is magic proof not technology proof,"Tecna said as she smiled. "Tecna are you really smiling?"Flora asked. "What I am trying to be less technical.,........ Did I do it right?"Tecna asked. "Perfect,"Musa said. "Hey guys is that Stella?"Flora asked looking at the distance.
Oh no,Stella thought.
The three girls looked up at the window. "Isn't she suppose to be in the infirmary?"Musa asked.
Stella made her move and ran away trying to hold herself and run fast as she can. When they looked back down they didn't see her so Flora said,"eh maybe we were just seeing things."

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