Chapter 25

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The magic deep inside
That night,Katara and Bloom dreamt of Domino,their parents,and Daphne.

Bloom's dream

She was on Domino,the planet of sparks,and it was weird. The frozen Iceland was warn and peaceful and great. Bloom saw herself doing competitions with Flora. She thought it was strange because well they were 11 years old,at least they seemed like it. This is what it must feel like when Domino was never destroyed,Bloom thought,this must be Katara's memory. Then she was fast forward to the attack at Domino and Alfea. "No!"she yelled but the Trix left. Then she was fast forward to the day Katara died then to the day Orlando kissed Katara. She saw herself being a stocker on the conversation.
Then she was going back to the time the figures out the truth. "So Oratel and Marium are our parents,"Bloom said. And she soon figured out that Katara was actually princess of Aquaria. Bloom keep on going back and forth in time. She came to meet Helia and saw something else. It was does bullies at Alfea. Now she was confused. They were never fairies. They were only earth girls and the meanest ones when they came for a visit.
Now Bloom's eyes widen. She remembers everything.

Bloom woke up but forgot everything. The only memory she had was the dream.

Katara's dream

Katara was dreaming about Daphne,about her parents and how they know and have the memory. She was wondering how to break the continuum break and she just couldn't help but to feel like they have another sister. She kept on seeing Daphne,her mom and dad,and her sisters. Then she saw in the shadows an extra one. All she could see of it was the body in the shadows.

"Katara come on sleepy head wake up,"Orlando said. "GUYS WE HAVE ANOTHER SISTER!"Katara yelled as she woke up. Orlando just stared at her. "Sorry it was some dream. I must have crashed out last night. I don't remember going to sleep,"Katara said. "Well we have to go and see if we can get help at magix,"Orlando said. "Ok fine. I wonder how Alfea is doing,"Katara said. "Come on you left the unstoppable Winx to fight for your school. I'm sure they can do it,"Orlando said. "I hope so,"Katara said.

The creatures came. Some flying in the air while others on the ground. "Whoa. There must be millions of them,"Stella said. "The last was nothing less than this,"Flora said. "Well charge!!!!!!!!"Stella yelled and all the boys and fairies attacked. The boys slice the monsters in half but they just kept on multiplying. "This doesn't make any sense. Every time we destroy a monster it just comes back multiplied and more strong,"Ms.Faragonda said. "I have no idea Ms.Faragonda but we are not giving up,"Saladin said. Flora went out to help a couple of fairies surrounded. "NATURE'S GRAB!"she yelled as vine grew out of the ground and grabbed the monsters holding them down. "It's okay I'm here,"Flora said to the frightened fairies,"go take cover." Those fairies were juniors in Alfea. Only still in elementary while the Winx in middle. A monster stuck up behind Flora. By the time she turned around it was too late to defense herself until Palladium came and the monsters was back into little bugs but went away and multiplied. "I'll teach you guys that next year,"Palladium said and ran off. "Ok sir,"Flora said and flew away.

The Hovercraft
"Ok Tecna. I upgraded this ship to also be able to battle and do other things,"Timmy said,"can you install the battle chip." "Sure,"Tecna said and looked at the controls then looked at Timmy,"Timmy I-" She couldn't even finish then looked back at the controls with all those numbers Ann technical stuff all around. "I suppose I can be a little emotional and let love in my life. After all it can't be so bad,"she said and those numbers seemed to make the shape of a heart. "Ok it should be ready soon,"Timmy said,"and uh Tecna." "Yea,"Tecna said. "If we don't make it,I would like to say........................."Timmy said. "Yes,"Tecna said.  "never mind,"Timmy said again. "Oh ok,"Tecna said.

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