Chapter 26:Part 2

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Fight to the Finish

Katara sat there in front of her sister still crying. She used her tears to try and heal her but it didn't work. "I knew it. She used to much of her energy so even if my tears helped,she will not have a lot of energy,"she said but then got up. "I am not letting my sister go like this. There is only one thing that could save her!" Katara then cast a spell and an ancient book appeared in the sky and fell in her hands. "You must travel to the spirit world and go to the North Pole where you will see the Northern Water Tribe. There you will find a special spiritual place which holds the strongest spirit water,strong enough to bring Bloom back,"Katara said then closed the book. Then out of nowhere a black portal opened and a girl with a purple cloth coving her whole body and face appeared and said,"hey that's my thing." (Raven from Teen Titans),then the girl left and the portal closed. Katara nodded and said,"I've been to the spirt world before and I could go back again." Then she looked at a nearby stick. "Probably without killing myself again,"she added then looked at Bloom. "Don't worry I will save you Bloom. But I have to freeze time. Icy could come and finish the job but it will be risky,"she said,"but it is for my sister." The Katara said an ancient spell. Detén el tiempo. Then everything and everyone froze. The fairies battling froze in the air. The monsters and witches frozen also. The only one who remained unfrozen was Katara. "I will be back Bloom.,"She said. Then Katara fell to the ground and meditated. She was doing this for a while until she found herself in a room. It didn't have walls of even a floor. It was blue with some very light blue smoke circling her.

"Katara?" Katara then turned around. "Wait a second, I know that voice,"she said,"Artemus!" "Katara! I knew you would visit,"Artemus said.He is a spirit of the moon,a moon citizen. Because Katara is great friends with the moon spirit,(leader of the moon), Artemus gets to be a moon spirit. He have another friend,Aarnav,who is a ocean spirit because Katara is also good friends with the ocean spirit,(leader of the oceans),and a little sister,Amaris who is sometimes also called Alkina."It's not much of a visit. I need the spirit water from the North Pole,"Katara said. "Then why did you come here the North Pole is years away,"Artemus said. "I froze time that should by us some time,"Katara said. "YOU WHAT?!?!?!"Artemus bursted out. "It's for my sister,Bloom,"Katara said. "Ah the fire girl my enemy. Just stay here with me instead of staying with that fire girl,"Artemus said. Katara glared at him and said,"my sister is more important to me then anyone in the whole world. If I was a fire freak what would you do?" Artemus gulped. "That's what I thought,"Katara said after a while. "Maybe Yue and La can help you get there faster,"Artemus suggested. Yue-moon spirit. La-ocean spirit. A while back the first and only moon spirit,Tui,was killed because of some greedy person wanting power. The moon and ocean spirit lived as a mortal form which made them vulnerable. Yue was able to be alive because of the moon spirit so she sacrificed her life for the Tui's life and became a moon spirit herself. "Don't bother I'm right here," Katara and Artemus turned around to see Yue standing behind them. "Nice to see you again,Katara,"Yue said. "You,too. Can you by any chance bring us to your home quickly?"Katara asked. "The Northern Water Tribe? It's to far way,"Yue said. "I just need some spirit water for my sister Bloom,"Katara said. "A fire rodent,"Artemus whispered. "Don't be mean Artemus,all of us are friends even with the fires,"Yue said. "But it's the fires who did this to you,"Artemus said. "And I'm happy here. Aren't you glad that I'm here now,"Yue said. "I guess so,"Artemus said. Then someone ran over to them. He stopped and stared. "Hey Amaris,"Katara said. "KATARA!!"Amaris yelled happily and ran over to Katara,"you came." "But I can't stay all I need is some spirit water,"Katara said. "Luckily i can't leave the house without it," Everyone looked around then La came up beside Yue. "Here you go Katara. It's nice to see you again. And use it wisely for only you can use it for big purposes,"La said giving Katara a small beautiful bottle made to be a necklace."Thanks and of course I'll visit,"Katara said. "Aww you have to leave already?"Amaris asked. "Maybe not right now. I have no idea how to get back,"Katara said. "What about the same way you did last time?"Artemus suggested. "You mean that time I died?"Katara said.
Katara was hit wth the spell instead of Orlando. She ended up in the spirit world but it wasn't only the elementals' power that brought her back.
Flashback over.
"Aren't you already dead?"Amaris asked. "Eh. Not really.It's a long journey but we have to try,"Katara said. "Well we have to go it's getting dark,"Yue said,"and the moon needs to come out." "Isn't it already dark,"Katara asked. "Well it's complicated since the sun is blocked off,"Yue said. "Poor Aditya is getting sick because the sun cannot be shown to the world,"La said. "I know Stella might be sick also,"Katara said,"so what's the point of putting the moon out if no one can see it?" "We must all try to stay.............alive so we have to try even if it is no use,"Yue said. "And without the moon my oceans won't be able to sway and make waves and tides,"La said. "And it's all my fault,"Katara said. Yue put her hand on Katara's shoulder. "Everyone makes mistakes but we have to learn from them and fix them,"Yue said. Katara looked at her then said,"ok let's go!" "Yay we are going on an adventure!"Amaris said happily. "Watch out!!!!"everyone heard in the distance. Katara turned around only to be knocked off her feet by someone riding a flying skateboard. "Oh,I am so sorry,"the person said as she helped her up. "No problem,"Katara said then looked up at the person,"Aarnav?"she said. "Katara?"Aarnav said,"it's so good to see you again." "Yea but I'm really busy with..........stuff,"Katara said. "Come on you could tell me,"Aarnav said. "Well my sister she is,hmm how could I say this,dying and I got the spirit water but I have no idea how to get back,"Katara said. "Oh I thought you were dead again,"Aarnav said beginning to laugh but Katara just glared at him,"oh so I heard." "Come on let's go,"Katara said and began running. "Hey wait for us!"Aarnav called. "No you stay here,"Artemus said. "Yay we are going on an adventure!"Amaris said happily. "No little sis you stay here,"Artemus said. "But I wanna go,"Amaris whined. "Next time,"Artemus said. "But Katara is really powerful she'll protect me,"Amaris said beginning to cry,"and she just came." "Fine but be careful,"Artemus said when Amaris gave him the puppy eyes. "YAY!"Amaris yelled and took off. "Stay!"Artemus said to Aarnav. "Ok fine. EAT MY DUST!!"Aarnav said and took off. Yue laughed and said,"kids reminds me of when I was little."

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