Chapter 9

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The Red Fountain Boys

A boy,around the same age as the girls,then jumped in front of Bloom,drew out his sword and blocked the attack.He was a light blond with dark,blue eyes and he seemed to be wearing what Bloom thought was the Red Fountain attack outfit.When the monster gave up and went for the next opponent,the guy put out his hand and said,"Are you ok?" Bloom,blushing,grabbed his hand and said,"I'm fine. The name's Bloom by the way." "Well nice to meet you Bloom by the way-"Bloom cut him off saying,"No, it's just Bloom." "I know I was just messing with ya. The name's Sky,"Sky said."Thanks for saving me,"Bloom said twirling her hair and blushing."Anytime,Bloom,"Sky answered. He went off to battle the monster.He turned and winked at Bloom and at that moment,she was going to faint but she didn't because she didn't want her sisters to think of it in a way.The same thing happened to Musa but in a slightly different way. Musa was about to be sneak attacked when a guy came and blocked the attack. Musa turned around staring even though she knew that it was weird. "You better watch your back," the guy said,"The name's Riven." "Musa,"Musa answered. She was lost in space about what just happened."Ok. Catch you later,"Riven said as he ran off. He's a bit of a bad boy,Musa said in her head and she began blushing. Tecna was fighting another monster that Icy summoned. "TECNO BLAST!" Tecna shouted as a blast of magic knocked the monster off its feet."According to my calculations,you better watch your behind,"Tecna said. Another monster,ready to charge ran unto her until a guy came and knocked the monster out."According to my calculations,I think you should watch yours,"the guy said. "Well,I could use some advice. Tecna is what they call me."Tecna said.The guy shuttered saying in his head,I'm talking with a girl, but said aloud"They call me Timmy.At least according to my calculations. They both were blushing and Tecna went off helping her friends and Timmy made a little wave. " WHIRLWIND!"Stella said as blew the monster into the river which made it mad.The monster charged at Stella while she was yelling,"NOT THE FACE! NOT THE FACE!!!!" A guy then grabbed Stella,(protecting the face), and put her behind him while the monster hit him instead but vanished."Wow! Where did he go?"Stella asked amazed."That is of no importance Princess Stella,"the guy said,"My name is Brandon and I will see you later." "WOW! You know my name but I have to go help my friends,"Stella said. Now she was the one blushing.She turned around and the guy went to help his friends. She turned her head slightly and whispered,"Until then, Brandon,until then." "You know what I'm done!!"Katara yelled. She was sick of the attacks by the witches.MAGIC WINX!" she yelled,"Snow......" And then Katara transform into the fairy of snow and ice. "MAGIC BLIZZARD!"Katara yelled as an ice blast froze all the evil creatures in the area. But Icy managed to break the ice because her heart is already cold. "Try again, Missy,"Icy said as she was trying to attack Katara back."Again,wanna bet?"Katara answered. Icy wondered why her monsters couldn't unfreeze."Face it Icy,you can never beat the good side,"Katara said. Icy then vanished with her monsters but there was one who stayed unfrozen. Katara was leading her sisters back to the school when the monster was about to attack. When Katara was nearly hit,a sword fell on the monster by which it vanished. Katara turned around and saw a mysterious figure wearing a black coat to cover it's whole body in the air riding a somewhat flying scooter and left. Katara just stood there staring into the sky. "What's the matter, Katara?"Bloom asked walking to her sister."Uh nothing,"Katara answered."Huh?"Flora said as she turned around to see a flying piece of paper folded into a bird as it was flapping its paper wings behind her. She took the piece of paper,unfolded it and read what it said.

Dear Flora,

You are as sweet as a flower

No wonders nature is your power.

Accept this letter I sent you

So you can become my number two.

I want you to know that all that I do

Will never make me stop thinking about you.

I want you to meet me tomorrow at midnight

To see your eyes sparkle in the moon's light.

Meet me at the Alfea Gardens

And when you past by Pixie Village,

And you come upon a beautiful pond,

You'll know your in the right place

And I will reveal myself to you with such pace.

Flora searched for a name but didn't find any."What's the matter,Flora?"Stella asked."Yea let's turn our attention to Flora now,"Katara said hoping the girls will pay less attention to her at this time."UUUUHHHHH,Nothing,"Flora said."What's that in your hand?"Bloom asked."Oh look,Saladin needs us let's go,"Flora said trying to change the subject.Saladin came to the girls saying,"Girls,come on.The witches will be back unless you leave." The Winx then followed Saladin back into the school. "Ok Winx.The quest for the dragon flame stone is a long journey but here is how you could find it. The journal is dangerous but I believe you will make it.You need to go to the oceans of Domino because the dragon flame stone is most likely in the heart of the dragon flame.You all can transform into the power of the dragon flame like Katara transform into the power of snow and ice,"Saladin said. Katara began blushing because now everyone was looking at her."Ok so go into the oceans of Domino, then what?"Flora asked."You need to go into the ocean and there is a portal. When you get into the portal you with be on Picros,the place of the dragons. There you should find the keeper of the dragon flame and he should tell you what to do next. "Wait you mean you can't tell us where to find the stone?"Bloom asked. "No I can't because I don't know where but I believe you will make it. All you have to do is prove yourself worthy to the keeper of the dragon flame.Now go!Some of my students offered to help you on your mission,"Saladin answered. The Winx then left wondering who decided to help them."Bloom!"Saladin called,"I have to tell you since you are the elemental fairy of fire,the power of the dragon flame is more big inside you.Use that as an advantage." "Ok,I will,"Bloom answered as she went and catch up with her friends.To there surprise the boys who decided to help are the the same boys who protected them in the battle."We didn't fully introduced ourselves, Winx. We are the specialists,"The boys said. "Well. Aren't we going to get along just fine,"Stella said. And the Winx giggled except for Flora and Katara. They both were wondering about their mystery guy.. Flora then noticed a boy who was making eye contact with her and she blushed.And Katara noticed that same mystery guy in the dark cloth was there. "We'll take this ride and go,"Timmy said,"I designed it myself." There was a somewhat more cool version of a spaceship that could fly and it was the color red. "Thanks.And can you fully tell us your names?"Katara asked getting in the spaceship."Sure.I'm Sky and this is Brandon,Riven,Timmy,and Helia,"Sky answered."What about that guy?"Katara asked pointing to that mystery person."Oh him? For some reason he just offered to join,"Riven answered. "Ok then we are the Winx. My name is Katara and these guys are my sisters and friends Bloom,Stella,Flora,Musa,and Tecna,"Katara said. "Well enough chit-chat,let's get going,"Bloom said. Katara stared at the guy with a face meaning to say,"I got my eye on you,mister." "Ok so we are off to the oceans or Domino,that's correct?" Timmy asked. The specialists are the ones who pilots the ship. "Yes. And then we have to go into the portal at the bottom of the ocean,"Tecna answered as she put her hand an Timmy's shoulder. At that moment,Timmy almost crashed losing focus. As the girls and boys got back on their feet Stella said,"Hey! What gives! I don't know about you but I'm too pretty to die!" "Way too pretty," Brandon whispered. "What?" "What?" Stella and Brandon said."My bad," Timmy said. And the sisters were so excited to go back to Domino.

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