Chapter 15

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The Truth
Time and time past. The Specialists were all working together to fix the ship. Katara's heart and breathing kept on going more slow. The oceans was slowly getting more gray. The sea creatures were sad. A few mermaids came to us and looked at their water leader and went away. They left a special crown. It was a beautiful crown made out of seashells and other beautiful ocean artifacts. It must be a crown to show respect for their leader. "The is all my fault,"the mystery guy said."no it's not. Don't blame yourself,"Bloom said. "Yes it is. She was actually being nice to me but I didn't take it. That's all I wanted. She a very beautiful and great girl. I would do anything for her. But apparently I let her do this,kill herself for me,"he answered. "Wow,"the Winx and Specialists said. Stella looked to Brandon."Since we're sharing feelings,spill,"she said. Brandon began blushing saying,"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," "Fine Stella said and walked away. Katara opened her eyes and looked at Bloom and the mystery guy. "All I wanted was to see the true self,"she slowly said and closed back her eyes. "Katara!Katara!" Bloom yelled. She put her head near he chest to hear her heartbeat but nothing. She put her finger under her nose to see if she was breathing,nothing. She bag an screaming and crying. Her sister,the sweet,sensitive little girl died at age 11! "We're too late,"Tecna said putting her head down. Katara began freezing. She soon turned completely into ice. Everyone was crying wondering if they ever get to hear that beautiful laughter of her ever again. The mystery walked up to Katara. He uncovered the mask and a blond,white guy stood in front of them. He never thought that true love was between them but he tried anyway. He came to Katara looking at the frozen body. "Bloom melt the ice,"he said. Bloom came up and put fire next to the ice. It surprisingly melted well for a little while and the guy came up closer and closer and gave a little kiss. Everyone just stood there,their jaws fell down and they stood there as of to say,"oh no he didn't." But nothing happened it was quiet. The mystery guy embarrassed himself for nothing. Soon,a stream of water came out of the ocean and it was sparkling. It wrapped around Katara as it picked her up into the air. It grew bigger and bigger until it closed her in a water bubble completely. And she bag an forming. Her hair turned light blue and the front of her hair,light pink. She was in a very different transformation costume but it disappeared and she was back to normal. She slowly went to the ground when everyone ran to her. A crystal appeared on her forehead. It was like a crown for her forehead. That too disappeared. "Katara are you ok?" Bloom said.Katara slowly opened her eyes and said, "IM better than okay!!" Everyone cheered. The mystery guy put his cloak back on and went away. Katara then made a frown and put her attention on the ship. "Timmy I regained my energy I could fix the ship,"Katara said as she waved her arm. The ship was fixed and they all went in. "Wow,you're faster than me,"Timmy said. "Fairy,DUH," Katara said.Katara was filled with hugs and kisses by the Winx."Thanks guys,"she said. She had no idea what happened when she was gone so she never had the memory of the mystery guy. Instead of going back to Alfea,the Winx and Specialists went to Domino instead. Flora got an important message from her mom and dad to go to Domino. It was told that they had something to tell them which made the elemental sisters worried.

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