Chapter 6

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Acceptance to Alfea

"Get away from me!" Katara yelled as beam of bright blue and pink, ( with a little white), blasted Icy out to mid-air. "Now it's just you and me,Icy,"Katara said as she confronted Icy. "What makes you think you will win,"Icy said in response. "Because good beats evil and the only true power is the power of friendship." Katara replied."Oh great talk like a child 'friendship is magic' ha ha silly girl you really think that's true?"Icy said. "Wanna bet?"Katara asked as Bloom,Stella,Flora, and Musa walked up next to her."Ugh! This isn't the end of this Faires!" Icy yelled as she broke a big hole in the wall and escaped,"You haven't seen the last of me!" "Mom!" Katara yelled as she went to go saved her frighten and nearly frozen mother. "Katara, that was amazing!" Kya said." Thanks mom I couldn't have done it without Musa,too." Katara replied. "Now how was your trip to Alfea," Kya said. At that moment Katara felt like she was about to die right there. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" "Now,now. You're not in trouble all I wanted was for you girls to be able to transform but it seems as if all I had to do was bring you to Alfea," "So we can go to school there?"Flora asked. " Oh heavens no........"All the girls were once again sad saying,awwwwwww,"You get to stay a border there!" Kya said. She have waited for a dramatic effect. The girls were so happy. "But what about you?"Katara asked."Oh we'll be fine. You can visit anytime and maybe we'll even visit you,"Kya said. "Mom, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was just so sad that I didn't have the ability to have friends and well friendships,"Katara said. "Hey I know how you feel. When I was little I was announced the next princess and wasn't able to go outside the palace for my protection. You are just like me,Katara, because I sneaked out of the palace. Oh yes, I was in big trouble but there were some pros. I made friends and meant your father. Katara,you are a very special and unique girl and don't ever lose the light in you. Promise?"Kya said. "Promise." Katara answered. It was a great day for the girls. They turned back into there normal forms and went back to Alfea. It seemed as if the story with Musa started all over again except this time this was technology. Katara walked by another room with her sisters. Her sisters went off to explore more of Alfea. "Hey how many times do i have to say the same things to the same untalented fairies like you," the same girl that had picked on Musa said."According to my calculations, you are the biggest jerk in school!" The girl said. "According to MY calculations you are the most stupid girl in school. And you call yourself the fairy of technology," the girl replied. This time Katara was being brave so she stood up to those jerks."And you call yourself fairies. I bet you that you are the WORST, I mean the worst fairies in school and you are just jealous of her talent,"Katara said. Man that felt good,she said in her head. "Who are you to open your mouth to me little miss sensitive sunshine?"one of the same girls that purposely bumped into Katara said. "I'm the one who stands up to the weak. If you know better,I'm actually the elemental fairy of water so you better not get me crying not unless you like to take a swim in this room right here,right now," Katara replied,"so I suggest that you leave NOW." As soon as the bullies heard this,their faces turned pale and they ran out of the room. "Hey it's ok I really am into technology myself. I'm Katara, elemental fairy of water."Katara said. "Well according to my calculations, friends are just distractions but since you stood up to me,I'll give you a chance. The name's Tecna,fairy of technology." Tecna said."Wow. I thought those girls were just mocking you but you are the fairy of technology." Katara said." Well I spend more time in computer classes than others so I'm addicted."Tecna replied. "Well now you have a friend to help,guide, and stand up for you,"Katara said.

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