Chapter 5

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    Katara's Fight for Domino

(Back at Cloud Tower) "I will not rest until we capture the elemental sisters!"Icy said. Icy,Stormy,and Darcy locked the headmistress of Cloud Tower so they could carry on their evil plan."I haven't wait all these years for this," Icy said. "I have an idea why don't we go attack Domino. Those girls will do anything to save their precious kingdom and the people,"Stormy suggested. "Great idea lighting,your on fire today,"Darcy said. "Great idea indeed especially with little,sensitive,and caring Katara,"Icy said. Then they were off to Domino. ----Alfea---"Girls we just got word from the king and queen of Domino,"Farogonda warned the Elementals girls," they are also being attacked by the witches!" "Uh why is that our problem hehe,"Stella said trying to keep their secret."We can't hide anymore Stella.She knows.What can we do to help?"Bloom said. Katara and Musa then came. "We need to go. Saving our parents is our number one priority.Even if they hurt your feelings,you must never ever turn away from them. I wonder if she'll still be mad."Katara said. "You girls did a great thing,if you hadn't sneak onto this school, (even though it was bad),you wouldn't learn what you have learned and be destroyed like every citizen of Domino. Go and save your Kindom,"Farogonda said. "Then we're off!"suggested Bloom. "Wait! I can't transform remember,"Katara said. Stella then cast a magical air bubble around her so she can carry her with her.The girls have arrived at Domino and they saw Icy,Stormy,and Darcy. "Well,well,well. If it isn't Katara,"Icy said,"and Stella,"Stormy added,"and Flora,"Darcy said,"and Bloom,"a girl who just came said. "Selena!"Bloom shouted surprised. "Miss me Bloom,"Selena said. "I can't believe you,you weren't like this. You,you weren't a witch,"Bloom said."Well now I am and it feels good being bad,"Selena said "Well not anymore!"Stella said, hoping to stop the drama,"but could you go a little easy on me I just had my manicure."Stella said,starting the drama again. "Who are you?"Katara asked ."Isn't it obvious?We are the worst witches in Cloud Tower. We trapped our headmistress to get all your powers,"Icy answered."And the fun is just beginning,"Darcy added. "Your Icy,Stormy,and,Darcy! My mother told me about you guys. You tried to steal our powers when we were little,"Katara realized. During that moment. She had a little flash vision of the past." Were famous,international. Nice."Icy suggested,"And now will you excuse me while I destroy your parents for what they've done! Sisters hold them off!"Icy shouted. Katara managed to hide while her sisters fight. "Bloom! I have to go save Mom and Dad,"Katara said."Go we'll cover you,"Bloom answered. Katara managed to go into the castle. "And where do you think you're going?" Icy said blocking Katara,"There is no way I'm going to fail to another Domino freak,"And that does it,Katara couldn't have 3 mean insults in a day and hold her cries. She broke the world record by 1 insult. She bursted into tears which flooded the whole room. But Icy managed to freeze the ice and break it."I see you're really powerful and sensitive but you are no match for me. Let's see how much your crying when I destroy your parents." Icy said. She broke throw the highly protected door where the girls' parents were hiding. "Mom! Dad!," Katara yelled,"get your dirty little hands away from my parents!" "Touch,"Icy said trying to be slick. She then blasted Katara which made her cry. "Katara!!!" The King and Queen called. "Oh shut up!" Icy said as she froze there lips and tied them up."I can't believe this! This can't be happening!"Katara screamed as her eye lens turned into a waterfall and some more shapes made out of water and a bright blue,white,and pink light surrounded her then she finally transformed.And she fought to the finish. The girls took care of the rest of the Trix,(that's what does 4 witches are called),and went to help Katara. Icy have the power of ice,maybe I can weaken her with some heat,Katara said in her head she then cased a spell at Icy and she was right the heat did weaken her. When Katara was about to take Icy away,she blasted her and Katara fell to the ground."Don't every do that again!Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha!"Icy said with an evil laugh while the girls, (except Katara),and their parents yelled,"NO!!!!"

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