I Love You!

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America was laying on his couch just staring at the ceiling. I'm ugh so bored. He thought. I wonder what everyone is doing today. Maybe I can hang out with Japan. Hmm no he was doing something with Italy today, and I doubt Germany will let me get even close to Italy. Maybe Canada? No he had some sort of maple leaf parade or whatever the heck he does. China's still upset after I asked him to cook me 1,000 cheeseburgers. Gee I don't understand it was a smaller order than I usually get. France is too much of a perv, and frankly I'm too scared to ask Russia. Maybe England is free. Gosh I really am lonely thinking about that. He puts up with me for the most part, but all we do is fight, and I don't see that as a good person to hang out with. America sighed and sat up.

Just then one of his workers barged into the room. He bowed and then explained frantically, "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt mr. America, but a message came for you, saying that England was terribly injured! They request you go visit him at his home immediately."

Worry sparked in him, but he tried to act composed. "Ok thank you James I'll head out right away." England? But how was he hurt? Oh please be ok. He grabbed his coat and made his way to England's house.

When he was there he knocked on his door. England's maid answered.

"Oh America, how can I help you?" She asked kindly.

"Where's England is he ok?" He asked worryingly.

"Uh- why he's perfectly alright, I just saw him in the back garden." She explained shocked by his worried tone.

"What? But I thought-" America trailed off. "Whatever it doesn't matter. Can I see him?"

"Oh um I suppose." She replied opening the door a little wider. "Right this way." She led him through the house, even though he knew the way. He grew up here, but she was just doing her job. He never understood the English. "He's right through there." She said kindly gesturing toward the sliding door.

"Thank you." He replied politely. She walked off and he went outside.

England was sitting in the grass on a blanket looking at the trees. When he herd footsteps he turned around. "Huh America what are you doing here?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" America asked crossing his arms. He then sat down next to him with a huff. "I was sent a message saying you were terribly hurt."

"What?! Oh my god I can't believe France actually did it!" England burst into laughter. "That was a little joke we thought up last night at the bar. And you actually fell for it. Wow you really are an idiot." He continued to laugh until it subsided.

"You're such an asshole." America grumbled starting to get up.

"What? Oh come on America. It's not a big deal. We pull pranks like this on each other all the time." England explained.

"You went too far this time!" America shouted getting upset.

"Oh come on you git." England rolled his eyes. "Can't you take a joke."

"Not this one." America snapped. "I thought you were hurt England. I was worried. You just can't see that because you don't know that I-" he stopped mid-sentence.

"What?" England questioned. "I don't know that you what."

"Oh it doesn't matter!" America shouted.

"No I want to know what you were gonna say!" England yelled back. "What is it? Is it how much of an asshole I am?"

"No ugh you're so stupid!" America sighed. "You make me so frustrated."

"You're the one who's frustrating, twat!" England replied.

"Don't call me a twat!" America demanded. "I don't even know what that means." He turned a way feeling tears in his eyes. Why why do we always have to fight? We used to be so close...

"Then tell me what you're thinking!" England shouted at him.

"Fine!" America screamed pinning him down an the grass. "I love you're terrible cooking! I love that silly face you make when you're sleeping! I love how you end up making a fool out of yourself, because you don't realize that I know when you're lying! I love that even though you're a pervert, you only act perverted around me! I love how your nostrils flare when your happy! I love how your eyebrows always get mussed up when you're sleeping! I love how everything you're thinking shows clearly on your face! I also love that sometimes you don't realize the little things that come out of your mouth that show you love me too!" Tears were streaming down his face. He let go of England but still was sitting on him. "I love you England, no matter how much you say you don't love me, or how many names you call me, and even how much we fight all the time. I still love you."

England was shocked for a minute trying to comprehend all that just happened. He sat up and took Americas face in his hands, wiping away the tears. "America... I love you too." He pressed his lips against his in a slow passionate kiss that America soon returned. When they pulled away he held America tightly in his arms. "I've always loved you so much."

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