Yes Captain Kirkland ( pirate AU ) part 2 final

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Like I said only pre-smut nothing too bad.

/Arthur's p.o.v./

Alfred had been an interesting addition to our crew. He always did what ever he was told. Mostly because I think he was scared to death of us. Although with the things people say about pirates I don't blame him.

"Alfred, Kiku, untangle those nets we're gonna need them." Antonio called.

"Yes sir!" Alfred replied enthusiastically.

He was never that enthusiastic with me... He just seems scared of me. It's not my fault, I don't mean to treat him coldly... Whenever he's around my throat closes up and I can't speak what I want to. Simple greetings were all I could ever manage. That's never really happened to me before... With anyone or anything. I mean I'm a fearless pirate for fuck's sake! So why does this young guy make me feel so... Strange? Oh who am I kidding? I know what the feeling is... but I just don't understand why I'm feeling it toward him.

I watched as the two friends began work on untangling the net. They were chatting away about something inaudible to me. Well Alfred was doing most of the talking. Kiku would just say a few things now and then.

He always was quiet. Still Alfred had sparked up more conversations with him in the past week and a half than we have as long as we've known him. Just another thing about him that made my heart beat. He was so good with people... So kind, but wasn't terrified to stand up for what he believed in when it really mattered.

Kiku had said something, and Alfred burst out laughing. It was a loud laugh that you could hear even at a distance and over the wind and water. His grin grew so wide that it forces his eyes closed.

I found myself staring (and practically drooling). That smile... It's so... beautiful. I'd do anything to see that smile everyday.


I suddenly was snapped out of my daydream when I realized someone had just said my name a few times. I turned to see Antonio. A smirk on his face when he noticed just what, or who for that matter, I was looking at. He simply chuckled a little and then said what he needed to. "Captain I won't be able to take your dinner to you from now on. I'll have to assign the job to someone else."

"That's fine, but why?" I asked.

"I have been having to keep a constant eye on Lovino. He actually listens to me... kind of. If I leave him alone he always starts something with the crew." He explained pointing over to the small Italian who was screaming at Gilbert for being a stupid bastard. Of course Gilbert was just laughing his ass off, finding the situation amusing.

"Yeah... I think that's a good idea." I replied. "Just send anyone, but Francis, I don't want him anywhere near my room. Make sure they know to take off their boots." I turned and heard him agree before walking into my quarters.


Of course Antinio would choose Alfred to bring me my dinner. Honestly how did I not expect it by the way he looked at me this morning. Not that I mind... That first night he brought my food I couldn't help but flirt just a little bit. How could I help myself? Alfred was being so darn cute. Like always he seemed afraid, but still I could get used to seeing him every night...


/Alfred's p.o.v./

I had been taking The captain his dinner for the past week, and it was honestly not even really a chore anymore. Just a daily task. I finally was able to control my voice from shaking while around him. Still my rapid heart beat and blush when he spoke or smiled at me never stopped.

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