In your time of need

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Hey guys here's another one hope you like it. Tell me what you think. This is kinda soon after the revolutionary war so things are still a bit shaken between America and England.

America was walking along with his hand in his pockets, and a kick in his step. It was a beautiful winter day, one that he thought should never be spent locked up indoors, even of it was a little cold. The woods near his house had always been so peaceful this time of year, and he couldn't help but feel thankful for being happy and free. He stopped when he herd a branch snap to his right. When he looked over he saw someone resting against a tree. The collar of the coat hid his face so it was hard to see him at first, but then America worked out who it was.

"England?" He asked kind of surprised. Then his tone became less inviting, and he scowled. "What are you doing here?"

England raised his head. "America? Sorry I didn't know I was intruding." He said quietly. He didn't seem to be his normal self. Normally he'd retaliate by saying something rude.

"Whatever i guess you aren't really, but-" he paused as England shuffled and his coat parted revealing a bloodstained white shirt. "Wow what happened to you?"

"Prussia." He replied simply.

"You got in a fight with that idiot and lost?" America laughed.

"Look if you are just going to stand there and mock me then just go away." England replied angrily.

America stopped laughing, and felt a little bad. He kneeled down to his and looked at his wounds more clearly. "And leave you here? no way you're too hurt."

England blinked twice surprised by his sudden concern in him.

"Alright I'll bring you to my place and patch you up." America sighed.

"You don't have to show me pity." England replied.

"Shut up before I change my mind."  America said coldly as he helped him up and secured him on his back. He started to walk home.

"Thank you America." England said weakly closing his eyes.

"Don't think this means I completely forgive you." America muttered seeing his breath in the cold air as he spoke. He felt England's breath steady and he became heavier. "Great and now you're asleep."


When England woke up he was sitting on Americas sofa. He blinked noticing his vision blur. His coat was off and he looked down at his wounds realizing that he had lost more blood than he thought. His shirt was sticky with the red liquid and was lying on the floor next to him.

America walked in with a box and a bowl of clean water. "Oh your awake good. I was scared you weren't gonna get up." He sat on the edge of the sofa and started to clean England's wounds with a rag and the water.

"Why are you helping me? I thought you hated me." England asked trying not to wince at the pain.

"I don't hate you England. I never did, you just..." He paused looking for the right words. "were so stubborn. You couldn't see things in my light."

"Well you're not exactly a walk in the park either." England muttered.

"Yeah I guess not." America chuckled. "Why did you want to keep me from my freedom so badly anyway?"

"Because I lov- didn't want to loose such a valuable colony" England changed his answer quickly.

"Hm..." Was all America said as he opened the first aid box. He pulled out some bandages and started to wrap them around his wounds.

"Ah!" England winced in pain. He accidentally hit America in the stomach causing him to fall on top of him.

"Sorry!" They both said in sync.

America leaned away carefully avoiding his wounds. Then he continued to wrap the bandage gently around.

England blushed as he felt America moved his arms around him, and their faces became uncomfortably close.

"There, now was me helping you really so bad?" America asked as he secured the bandages in place.

England nodded his head no still feeling his face burning red.

"Why did you lie to me England?" America asked still not moving away from their close position.

"What are you talking about?" England asked confused.

"When I asked why you kept me from my freedom you lied; I could tell. So I'm going to ask you again, and you have to tell the truth." He looked him in the eye. "why did you keep me from my freedom?"

"I- I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered nervously. "I told you the t-truth."

"Don't give me that shit." America said sternly. He took England's hand in his. "Just tell me the truth, you don't have to be scared."

"It's because I-I love you, and the thought of loosing you scared the hell out of me." England felt tears form in his eyes. "I... I don't know if I could make it without you, America. I'm not as strong as I make myself out to be. Everyone leaves me and it hurts. I don't want to be alone anymore." A sob escaped his mouth. "I can't stand being alone anymore."

"England..." America hugged him carefully. "You aren't alone. I will always be here when you need me."

England buried his head into his shoulder and cried. "Th-thank you America. Thank you for everything." He lifted his head to be met by Americas face. There were tears in his eyes, but he was smiling brightly. England couldn't help but smile to.

"I love you England." America laughed joyfully, bringing him into a long soft kiss.

"I love you to." England replied when they pulled away.


Hey guys I hoped you liked the new short story. I honestly don't know how many more there will be. Hopefully a lot XD. Anyway tell me what you thought, and as always vote and comment, bye!

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