Fear (part 1)

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Hey guys! *nervous laughter* yeah I know I'm sorry I don't update this that often anymore... It's hard ok?Funny side story, my stepdad just stubbed his toe (it's midnight btw) and he screamed: "God bless America!" XD idk just found it funny and kind of ironic. Anyway, that full fanfic I was talking about in the last part, yeah I started it. It's called: you saved me, I loved you. Now, to the new oneshot.

This is probably gonna end up being multiple parts.

Warning : This may be a bit scary (hence the title XD). It probably won't be too bad though trust me...

"Alright horror movie night lets go!!!" America shouted happily hopping on the couch between England and Japan.

A lot of the other countries were there as well. Including France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, the Nordics, China, Canada, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Romano, and Spain. They did this every year around this time. They'd get together and share different horror movies with one another. It was just a fun thing to do. Well fun for most of them. Some of them really didn't care, but they were dragged there. Still they ended up having fun every year despite them acting like they didn't care.

"Alright let's get started! Who wants to go first?" America asked.


It was after a while and most countries had their turns to show their own forms of horror movies. America was sat on the couch with a pillow trembling.

"Wow that was a good one Russia..." Japan trailed of. "Really scary."

"Well it's getting pretty late, and everyone has had their turn, so I'd say we better stop for the night." Spain whispered. Romano, who had surprisingly been quiet, had fallen asleep on him. Germany had also taken Italy to bed, and probably stayed with him, considering he hadn't come back. Most of the other countries were either leaving to the upstairs, or falling asleep where they were at.

"Oh c-come on guys." America tried the steady his voice. "We can stay up a bit longer. Let's pull an all nighter it'll be fun."

"Sorry mon ami, but I believe it's too late." France replied sleepily.

"Y-you guys are so lame." America couldn't help but whine.

"What's the matter America?" England asked, seeming way too awake for the late hour, but I guess he was just used to many sleepless nights. A smug smile formed on his lips. "You too scared to sleep?"

"Psh yeah right, heroes don't feel fear." America laughed it off. "Of course I can sleep, geez just though you guys would want some fun, but whatever." He stood up and walked up the stairs to the  top floor, where his bedroom was located.

As he passed one of the guest rooms he heard the snores of Germany, and Italy coming through the small crack in the door.

He chuckled. Yeah that isn't too surprising. He heard footsteps coming up the stairs and turned to see Spain carrying Romano into another spare room. Now that's funny, considering if Romano were awake he'd go freaking ballistic. He then continued on into his own room. He got dressed and then crawled into his large bed. He tossed and turned and desperately tried to forget about all the horror he had just watched. Ugh this is ridiculous just let me fall asleep.

After what seemed like forever, he finally drifted off...


America woke up with a jolt as he heard a scream later in the night. He debated weather he should get up or not, but as he heard the muffled sounds of the other countries gathering in the hall, he felt it was safe for him to leave his room as well. He quickly opened his door ran into the hall.

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