You're my hero

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I'm recently obsessed with the band Pentatonix, so if you want to watch the video go ahead. The song does kind of go with the oneshot as well.

America had always been considered the hero. At least that's what he had always called himself when he entered any room.

Lately though... He started to feel like that wasn't exactly the case. He was, of course, a pretty good country compared to most, but he had started to loose faith in himself. He didn't exactly know why, but it was extremely discouraging. He felt like all of his happiness was being drained out of him every passing day.

He never told anyone though... He was honestly terrified of letting anyone know how he felt so down. Partly because he didn't want to be seen as weak, and partly because... well he didn't know. There was just something about the whole thing that he felt like he needed to keep secret like he need to keep it all locked away. No mater how mentally unhealthy it may be for him.

Seeing him in any normal situation you wouldn't have guessed it. He was his cheerful happy goofball self. But he was a good actor. He needed to act. He couldn't let anyone see... Never.

But when alone... Things were not quite the same... He stopped finding joy in the things that usually interested him. Food, video-games, scary movies, anything. And if he had to do anything it was unbelievably difficult to go and do a job that he had never even really minded before. He started loosing sleep, developing bad eating habits, and just spent hours pointing out flaws about himself in the mirror. Things he had never done or thought of before.

It was like his mind was constantly  tricking him into being sad. And all he could do was just sit there and hope that that sadness would just go away.

But his hopes were never answered...

It had gotten to the point, that if someone had cared to look really hard you could tell their was something wrong with him. He had basically stopped calling himself a hero because he didn't believe it anymore. But none of the other countries noticed. So he came up with the only logical solution.

They just didn't care... No one did.


"Alright dudes let's get this meeting started!" America practically burst through the doors of the world meeting. He sat down in his usual seat between England and Canada.

"Late again I see." Muttered said Englishman. Although he didn't say anything about it he had noticed the lack of the word 'hero' Coming from the American. He was confused at first but then brushed it off as him looking too much into the situation. After all America could just be maturing more...

"Whatever, I was dealing with things." America waved him off. By things he meant trying to drag his pathetic self out of bed and glue on his fake smile to go out into public.

"It doesn't mater everyone is here now, so let's get started." Germany stood authoritatively.


At the end of the meeting everyone was packing up to go home. America was one of the first ones out of the room.

He had been quieter this meeting. Not to an overly obvious extent.

But it was enough for England to notice...


America was back home and he had honestly felt worse than ever before. He felt downright depressed, and didn't understand why. That just made him feel slightly angry at himself. Why was he doing this to himself if it hurt so badly? What right did he have to feel like this? Many people have way worse lives than he, so why can't he cheer up? His conflicting thoughts only made it that much worse.

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