Fear (final)

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Writing this makes me question my sanity... XD

"What?" America asked hiding his fear. "Even if I didn't believe you, why didn't you tell me that?"

"Because we had just watched a bunch of horror movies, and I was sleep deprived! I just thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but... now I see I was wrong." England muttered looking over to the bodies sadly.

"Don't worry about it." America put his hand in his shoulder, desperate to comfort him in any way. "You couldn't have known... All of us would have probably ignored it as well."

The other countries nodded in agreement.

"I think we should get out of here." France said.

"B-but miss Hungary." Italy stuttered.

"He's right, she could still be alive. We should find her if we can." Spain replied.

After some debating they decided to find Hungary first, but make sure to stay very close to everyone in their groups.


It was a short while later that they were all once again running into a room in response to a scream. This time it was the upstairs bathroom. The Nordics, China, and Russia hadn't come this time. Presumably because they didn't hear. At least that's what everyone hoped...

The bathtub was filled to the top with water. Austria and Prussia were head first in the tub. On the wall another message was written.

Make them drown.

They were not breathing and didn't move a muscle. Signs of struggle had showed they had been forcefully held underneath.

America widened his eyes, and a scarier thought came into his mind. Even more panic built inside him. Canada was in their group... "Where is my brother?" He whispered.

"What?" Germany asked. "We can't hear you."

"Where's my brother?!" He shouted, and turned around sharply. He tried to calm himself, but couldn't do it. He grabbed Germany and started to shake him. "Where is Canada?!"

"America try and calm down." England pulled him away from the shocked German.

America took deep breaths, and started to calm at his touch.

"He's over there!" Spain pointed down the hall, when his flashlight hit a figure standing by one of the bedrooms.

They all quickly ran to Canada.

"Canada I'm so glad your ok." America went to hug him but stopped when he saw his brothers expression.

He was frozen there, only moving because of his trembling. His face was as white as a sheet, and his wide eyes stared up at something in the bedroom he was facing.

They all followed his gaze. A flash of lightning illuminated what he was looking at. Hungary was hanging from the ceiling a rope around her neck. Something was written on the ground.

String them up

"Oh my god." France shook his head. "No more. We need to get out of here."

"I agree let's get the others and go." America said. They started walking, but stopped when Canada didn't follow. "Come on Canada let's leave." America grabbed his brother's hand tugging it lightly.

Canada didn't move he just stared up at the body like he was in some sort of mortified trance.

"Canada!" America shouted.

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