Bording school for countries (part 1)

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Hey guys I am actually super excited for this one! It's going to be a bit longer, and I will probably end up making it into multiple parts, and publishing them all at the same time. Anyways this will probably be written in more detail, but it will be good so please read it. XD enjoy and tell me what you think. P.s. The italics will be their personal thoughts or memories.

England was sitting in the bus with all the freshman who were going to the exquisite boarding school for countries. England had always wanted to attend school here, but was always too scared to apply, so last year when he was a freshmen he never turned in his application. This year however his aunt filled out his application for him, and sent it in without his consent.

"I'm doing this in your best interest. If you don't ever put yourself out there you won't ever get anything you want in life." She had said

He loved her and knew that she was just looking out for him, but still it didn't change the fact that he was so shy, and self confident. It also didn't help that everyone in his grade already knew each other, and had made their groups of friends. He just knew it already that he was going to be a complete outcast.

He continued to sit quietly listening to music, as he watched the scenery go by. His attention was caught by the driver yelling at some kid to sit down, and stop messing about.

"Whatever I was just trying to get my iPod back." The blond boy replied rudely. He huffed as he sat back down in his seat. He was small and looked younger than the rest of the freshmen on the bus. He wore a sailers cap that was probably against uniform, but he didn't seem to care.

Is he even old enough to be attending this school. England thought turning his attention back to outside the window.

The buildings zoomed by until he saw the sign for the school, and the bus slowed down as it entered the long driveway. The school itself was huge, and was surrounded by hundreds of acres of land.

If he hadn't gotten a full scholar ship he probably wouldn't have even been able to afford this school. He removed his earbuds and stuffed them in his pocket as the bus screeched to a halt. Everyone gathered their things, and left in a line off the bus. England strayed behind not wanting to be in anyone's way. Then he grabbed his own two bags and walked to the front.

"Good luck." The driver said smiling kindly.

"Thank you." He gave a small smile in return before stepping off the bus. When the doors closed behind him he saw dozens of other teens gathered in flocks.

Flocks of boys, flocks of girls, some flocks even had boys mixed in with girls.

England had only had one girlfriend, and she was back in middle school. They never really did anything, they were more like best friends, but it was nice to have that label back then.

His attention was caught once again by the younger boy, but this time he was surrounded by upper class-men. They all mocked him, and held his bag high in the air.

"What's wrong pipsqueak, are you too short to get your bag back?" The oldest one laughed holding his bag in the air.

"Come on you big jerk!" The boy yelled jumping up for it.

The loud speakers beeped and a woman's voice rang through the whole campus. "Everyone please report to your appropriate dorms immediately."

The boys dropped his bag causing the contents to spill out onto the ground. They shoved him down before walking away.

England walked over to the boy and picked up his bag and then helped him up. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He replied taking his bag back. "Thanks, I'm Sealand." He held out his hand to shake.

USUK oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora