Slumber Party?

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Sorry for the long wait I've been pretty busy with school and family stuff. But anyway, Yay another one I hope you like it. Tell me what you think.

Britain stood outside of America's vacation home, and rang the doorbell. He sighed I don't understand the point of this.... I mean a sleepover? What are we five, and did he have to invite so many people?

The door swung open and America stood there with his usual grin. "Yo England dude, everyone's already here come on in!"

England stepped in and the door swooshed shut behind him. America causally put his arm around him and led him to the living room where everyone else was.

"Dudes Everyone's here let's get partying!" America exclaimed jumping into the couch next to Japan.

England sat down in-between him and France. Canada was sitting in the arm chair with his little white bear, China was in the kitchen with Russia creepily sitting at the table, and Germany was sitting on the floor with Italy yelling at him about not being a wimp, or throwing away his white flags, or whatever the heck he's always yelling about.

"Dudes, lets totally play some truth or dare!" America suggested.

"What are we teenage girls." England muttered.

"Truth or dare?" Japan asked confused.

"Yeah it's a game where you ask a person truth or dare, and if they say truth you ask them a question and they have to tell the truth, but if they pick dare then they have to do whatever you tell them to." America explained.

"That sounds like a very forceful game." Japan replied.

"Yeah but it's fun." America laughed. "I'll go first. Germany truth or dare?"

"Mm I guess I'll choose dare." He replied.

"I dare you to not yell at anyone for at least three hours." America smirked.

"Wha-!" He started to yell but then stopped. "Fine I can do that. Italy, truth or dare?"

"Pasta!" He replied.

"Ugh, never mind someone else go." Germany sighed trying to keep calm at his stupidity.

"Fine I'll go again." America volunteered. "Japan truth or dare?"

"Uh, truth." He replied.

"Do you have feelings for Greece?" America smirked.

Japan's face turned a bright red, and he looked down to hide it. "I do not feel comfortable sharing that information."

"Too bad you choose truth, so you have to answer." America continued teasing.

"I do not like this game." Japan said still not looking up.

"Quit stalling and answer." America sighed.

"Yes, France truth or dare?" He replied quickly. America started laughing quietly at how embarrassed Japan looked.

"Truth." France replied smugly.

"Is it true that you begged England to marry you, but he refused?" Japan asked.

"Yes, but only because I needed him to save me." France replied.

America and England burst out laughing.

"Was he really that desperate?" America asked trying to catch his breath.

"Yes it was pathetic." England said his laughter subsided.

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