Never forget...

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America opened his eyes slowly his vision blurry. He could make out dark grey particles fluttering above. An overwhelming smell of something burning washed over him. He heard muffled screams and shouting. He blinked a few times and his vision focused. He felt a warm liquid trickling down the side of his head. When he touched it and looked at his hand he saw that it was blood.

What happened? He thought.

He started to get up and felt a sharp pain in his other arm. When he looked over he saw that it was stuck under a large piece of some sort of debris. He used all his strength and pushed it off of him. He still couldn't move his arm, and figured that it had broken. He got up carefully, and was shocked by the scene he was met with.

The World Trade Center was aflame, and a plane stuck right in the middle of it.

How could this happen was it an accident? he thought.

Just then another plane swooped down and crashed into the tower. He herd people scream.

America widened his eyes and felt tears in them. No they-they're doing it on purpose... He couldn't do anything but sit there in horror. He sobbed as people on the top floors desperately started to jump out, thinking it was a better way to go.

"Sir." A firefighter said running up behind him. "We need you to get out of here."

"No." America choked out. "There has to be a way I can stop this. I need to protect my people."

"I'm sorry sir, but there's nothing you can do." The firefighter replied looking down solemnly. "You need to move farther away from the buildings."

America still stood there looking up, not believing what was happening.

"Sir please you have to leave. "Sir? Sir? Sir?"

"Sir?! Wake up!"

Americas eyes flicked open and he looked around him. He was in his room the curtains were open and the sun shined through. He felt his face damp with sweat and tears.

"Are you ok, sir?" His worker asked standing next to his bed with a panicked look on his face. "You were having a fit in your sleep."

"I'm fine." America replied emotionless. "Thank you for waking me. You and the others can take the rest of the day off."

"Are you sure?" His worker asked in worry.

"Yes I can manage on my own today." America replied. He felt like being alone today he hated seeming weak in front of others.

"Ok thank you sir." His worker bowed sadly, and left the room.

America sat up and hung his head into his hands. It's been five years... Five years, and I never stop having that dream every 11th of September. He got up and moved to the bathroom. No wonder he looked so panicked I look practically insane. His eyes were red and puffy, and his hair stuck out in a million different ways. His face was pale and he looked very unwell. His throat felt scratchy, and he figured that he had been screaming in his sleep. He ran the sink and stuck his hands under it splashing water on his face. He rubbed his eyes trying his best to return them to their normal color. He styled his hair and then walked back out into the living room.

The doorbell rang. He went to answer it and Japan stood there smiling.

"Hello America." He said happily. Japan. "I brought this new anime that I thought you would like, and thought we could watch it together."

America felt a slight spark of happiness. He knew that Japan took the time to try to cheer him up, but he still couldn't bring himself to smile. "Yeah sure that'd be great Japan..."

After Japan had left others started to show up too. Russia came with flowers, and China soon followed and made him a wonderful lunch. Austria and Hungary came. Austria played him a song, and hungry took the liberty to bake him his favorite cookies. After that Canada and France showed up and played video games with him. Around dinner the Italy brothers showed up and gave him pizza and pasta. Even Germany and Prussia had come by to have a beer with him afterwards.

America appreciated everyone, and all they did to try to make him happy, but he still couldn't cheer up. He hid his sadness however not wanting to make them feel bad. He pretended he wasn't hurting and put on a fake smile.

After everyone had left, however he no longer had to keep his emotions inside. He sat on the floor and pulled his knees to his chin. He hid his head in them and started to sob. He hated today.

"America?" He heard a familiar soft voice.

He quickly looked up whipping away the tears, and trying to act composed. "England?" He asked acting like he hadn't been crying. "I-I didn't hear you come in."

"You were crying..." England trailed off looking at him sadly.

"N-no I w-wasn't." America replied looking down. It was getting harder to hold it in.

"America..." England sighed. "You don't have to pretend to be happy, just for me."

The tears formed in America's eyes again, but he continued to look down to hide them.

"I'm right here for you America don't torture yourself." England said softly.

America suddenly wrapped his arms around England taking him by surprise. "Why does it have to hurt so bad?" He cried onto England's shoulder.

"I wish it didn't." England muttered softly, returning his embrace. "But you have to remember. Remember those who died, remember those who fought to save them, you have to remember... But you also have to remember to smile because you, being the strong country you are, made it through it, and you never lost hope.

America hugged him tighter. England's warmth making him feel better. He stayed like this until his crying subsided.

England pulled away looking at America in the eye. He place his hand against his cheek whipping away the tears. He then pressed his lips against Americas in a long soft kiss. He pulled away slowly. "Never forget to smile America..."

Americas lips curved up into a bright smile. It was the first real smile he had all day. "I promise I never will."

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