Yes Captain Kirkland ( pirate AU ) part 1

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Woo Halloween is almost here! Is this considered Halloween? People dress as pirates so I mean... XD idk.

Also pre-smut warring. I'm not gonna like go all the way but I'm trying to branch out a bit cause my writing is still innocent as f*ck! But don't worry if you don't like smut cause It won't go that far... Yet ;) (wtf is wrong with me XD) It's probably in the second part anyway.

/Alfred's p.o.v./

My mother had always told me to be wary of pirates. She told me how ruthless they were. They stole anything they wanted and killed anyone who ever got in the way... I never had really met a pirate before, so I believed her. She died when I was only eight years old. My father had left us before I was born so I never knew him. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out that he ended up being a drunken sailor who fell off his boat one night and drowned. I didn't have any other family, and never really did have many friends. Not any good ones that is. Still I managed to make it on my own...

I was now 17, I had a job at the fish market and a nice little place I could call a home, of some sort... The reason I emphasize had is because recently I lost my job... They couldn't afford to pay anyone nowadays so they had to fire a lot of people. I had to sell my place to get any sort of money. The town I was in was crashing and crashing hard. It had never been too wealthy, but now finding a job here was like trying to swim to the bottom of the ocean on just one breath.

So that's how I had thought up this perfect plan. I snuck onto a sailor boat that was headed for another town that I had heard of to have great riches. However I was discovered before we reached it, and thrown onto the first port we passed by.

That's how I found myself in my current situation... Sat on an abandoned port in a town that I didn't even know the name of. I honestly didn't want to know the name of it. I went in for only a few seconds and was almost killed. Just my luck that it would end up being full of liars and thieves. Maybe with my luck another ship will come into port and I'd be able to sneak aboard again, and get out of this place. After all anywhere would be better than here. at least that's what I thought.

A ship reached the harbor, but it wasn't full of sailors or spice traders. "Come on boys! We'll stock up here and then take sail to the cove." A man in a long blue coat with gold linings said as he hopped off the boat onto the dock with a loud elegant bang of his tall black boots.

Pirates I thought shrinking back behind an assortment of boxes and barrels.

"Aye captain!" His crew replied as they disembarked the ship.

They all passed by eventually coming back loading the ship with supplies.

"Captain, the ship is ready to go on your order." they both stopped right in front of me. "The map to the treasure in Deadman's Cove is securely in your quarters."

"Perfect." The man smiled the big white feather on his hat swaying in the wind. He took a step forward but then stopped looking around. "We aren't alone..." He trailed off and then looked directly at me. His face curved into an angry  scowl as he took out his sword and pointed it toward me. "Get out here!"

My body jolted in fear. I shakily stood up and came out from my hiding place. I looked to the old wood and rusted bolts of the dock, too afraid to meet any of their gazes.

Suddenly the captain took a fist full of my hair and yanked me forward pulling my head up to see me.

I swallowed back a yelp and widened my eyes as my stare met his. Now that I can see him properly I have to admit he's quite attractive... I always thought pirates were dirty and rough looking, but this guy...he's different. Especially his eyes. They're like emeralds.

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