Can you fall out of love?

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Falling in love was always a perfect term for what it felt like to become completely infatuated with someone. And then soon that infatuation becomes the love itself. And if you know anything about love it is that you can never deny it. When you love someone you love them it's that simple. You can try to fight it all you want, but you will always loose. And then there was the phrase that came before love. 'Falling in'. That was the accurate part. Falling in would indicate that it's sudden and frightening. And that it was falling in love was defiantly frightening. But once the first initial seconds are over, and you've been falling long enough, it becomes more thrilling. Exciting, happy, amazing! Like your flying! Yes that is it falling in love is like, flying. There's always that slight fear that you may fall, but the feeling makes it worth the risk. Falling in love was flying.

At least that's what America always thought. That's how he felt when he fell in love. In love with his fellow country, best friend, mentor. England. He fell in love, he fell hard, and it was amazing! Just like flying. No... Better than flying.

The part that makes it better than flying is when you learn that the one you chose has fallen back in love with you, and your feelings are returned. Then it's even better because you can fly together. Side by side. Flying is a lonely thing out in the big open sky all alone, but find that one true person and you won't be alone anymore. They will always be there for you.

At least they should be... But right now America felt as though he were flying solo again... He always knew you could fall in love, what he was never taught is that sometimes you can fall out of it to.

And that's exactly what England had done. He had fallen out of love. Out of love with him.

So America stood looking out over the city on the edge of a black pavement street. He was crying, but you wouldn't be able to tell. The rain from above poured down on him like the pain he was feeling was so strong it had reached Mother Nature herself. He cried with the rain and the rain cried with him.

All he could feel was the pain of his broken heart. All he could think of was the moments that had just transpired not even four hours ago...

America and England had been fine all day. They did what any ordinary couple would do. Did the shopping, went out for lunch, and just went on a walk together. But then just after dinner something went wrong. He couldn't exactly remember what for, but they started getting into an argument.

So no big deal every couple fights. It's not like they haven't had little spats before, but something about this particular argument scared America. He could tell from the moment it started that it wasn't like the other silly little fights they'd had. It was so much more heated. So much more... Hateful. They screamed at each other saying the most nasty things, both of them to blame. But then England said the most terrible thing. The phrase that had been circling around in America's head since the moment it reached his ears...

"Well maybe I just don't love you anymore!"

That brought America to silence. Almost automatically he felt tears form in his eyes. He ran out of the house, not caring about the rain, and that's how he found himself here now. Standing on the edge of the street wishing he could just fade away instead of feel the pain of his heartbreak.

If love is like flying, then heartbreak is like sinking. Sinking into pitch black misery. Trying so desperately to claw back up but there was nothing to hold onto. The darkness so dense you couldn't possibly swim back up. You just sank desperate for air, but you were suffocating. Suffocating for all eternity never able to take breath again. That's what heartbreak felt like.

As he looked out over the city he noticed that a pair of headlights had shined on him from behind, and with the pinging of the rain he barely heard the vehicle screech to a stop. A few seconds later he heard the opening and closing of a car door. Then footsteps splashing at a fast pace toward him. He was too lost in despair to hardly notice until the person actually spoke.

"America!" He called.

"England?" America asked in confusion. As soon as he turned around her felt something warm and soft around him.

"What are you doing out here, it's freezing." England wrapped the American flag blanket around the taller nation, while trying to balance an open umbrella with one hand.

America couldn't help but just look down at the man that he was still in love with, completely surprised that he was showing so much concern after what he had said.

England looked up at him. You could tell by the look on his face that he had been extremely worried. There was a slight pinkness under his eyes that indicated he had been crying. "I've been looking for you for hours." He explained desperately. "Look America..." His voice caught in his throat and he looked down to compose himself. "I-I'm so sorry."

"What?" America asked in disbelief.

"I'm sorry!" He apologized again meeting his friends gaze. He now had small clear beads of liquid forming in the corners of his eyes. "I didn't mean what I said... It was the heat of the moment and I just got angry. I shouldn't have said that I don't-" he cut off like it was impossible for him to say those words ever again. The beads slowly started to drip and he now had tears streaming down his face. "O-of course I still love you. I've never stopped loving you, and I never will. Just please forgive me!" He let his head fall into America's chest and stared to sob. "I-I promise I didn't mean it."

America felt a smile slowly creep onto his face. Leave it to England to grab America's hand and pull him up. Saving him from drowning. "Oh Iggy, of course I'll forgive you. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have let things get so heated. I love you."  He grabbed the Englishman's face, tilting it upwards and giving him a loving kiss.

A kiss that felt so right. It felt like they both took each other's hand and started to fly again.

America pulled away looking at his lover with so much love you would almost think his eyes were made of it. "Now it's freaking freezing. Let's go home and warm up." America gave a suggestive wink.

England's face turned a bright pink. "I hate you..." He muttered jokingly.

America just laughed.

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