Turn Back Time (AU)

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Trigger warning

/England's p.o.v./

I was sitting at my desk doing nothing of great importance. I had a cup of tea, and it was steaming hot, but delicious just the same. Today's date April 16th was crossed out on my calendar. The window was closed, and the only sound was the second hand on the clock going click click click. I sighed and looked up at it, 12:45.

Was it really that late already? Why do I have the strange Inkling to go see America. He had been being bullied at school recently. People always called him things, and it honestly pissed me off. I couldn't really do anything about it though. After all me and America aren't exactly friends. Sure we weren't enemies either, and we hung out a few times at school, but most of the time we were just bickering. Hungary even had to throw in the remark that we acted like an old married couple sometimes. Still... I always had a strange feeling around him. I didn't know what it was, but I knew that I liked it.

I looked at the clock again, 12:55.

God I can't shake this feeling that I should go to him.

I stood up and walked out of my house making sure the door was locked before I left, and started to walk to America's house.

What the hell am I doing? Walking to his house at practically one in the morning... I mean his parents were gone in a trip, but still. What was I gonna say when I get there. 'Hey America I just really wanted to see you.' Geez how creepy does that sound.

Thunder roared in the distance, and a very light rain started to come down.

Great and it just had to start raining.

I quickened my step. When  got there I knocked on the door. There was no reply. I knocked again. Still no reply, so I banged my fist in the door. Still nothing.

"Uhg." He can't seriously be out at this time, but then why isn't he answering?

I grabbed the doorknob, and turned it. To my surprise it was unlocked. I thought for a moment, but then opened the door, and stepped in.

"America?" I called, but there was no reply, so I walked upstairs. The only reason I knew where his room was was because we once worked on a school project together. I pushed open the slightly ajar door, and was completely shocked by what I saw.

There he was laying there in his bed. Arms sliced up and down with a razor blade. Fresh blood staining the sheets. That's not what scared me the most. What scared me the most was the pill bottle that lay on the floor next to him empty.

"America!" I shouted running over to him. I sat on the bed next to him, and looked at his face.

America's eyes were still open scanning the room. Tears were still relevant in his cheeks.

"America..." I trailed off taking his face in my hands. I gently stroked his cheek with my thumb. Tears formed in my emerald eyes as I looked into the shade of blue, that didn't seem to be as bright anymore. "America, can you hear me? It's England."

America's eyes stopped moving, and he met my gaze. He opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to weak to say anything.

The thunder outside had gotten louder, and you could here the rain pouring in the roof.

"Why...?" I chocked out as I was beginning to sob. "Why did you do this...? I knew you were being bullied, but... I never knew that it bothered you this much. I'm sorry America, I-I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

"E-England?" He managed.

"Yes yes it's me, I'm right here." I told him.

Then he gave me a small smile, before his eyes slowly closed.

Please no... Please. Please don't take him away! "America! America no please!" I cried out. "Please don't die! W-we can hang out again on Monday, and get into one of our silly arguments. And then Hungary will tease us, but I secretly won't care. A-and if anyone messes with you I promise I'll stand up to them. J-just please don't leave..." But I already knew it was too late. I felt my heart shatter, and I hugged his lifeless body and cried.


I now sat in front of his grave a few days later. "No... please... This isn't real." Tears streamed down my face. I hugged his grave and cried loudly. "Please I'll do anything! J-just tell me this isn't real!" I sat there and cried, for I don't even know how long, till I fell asleep.

I suddenly shot awake from my desk chair. Tears still pouring from my eyes. Wait... Where am I?

I looked around me. I was in my office. There was a hot cup of tea next to me. The window closed, the date April 16th crossed out on my calendar. Th-that's impossible. My eye shot up to the clock, 12:30. There's still time!

I ran out of my house closing, but not locking the door behind me. I ran as fast as I could to America's. I didn't care if it was raining, or if I was tiered I just ran.

When I got there I opened the door, and ran up the stairs. I then burst into his bedroom. He had made the cuts, and had the open pill bottle in his hand, still full.

"America!" I shouted and ran over smacking it out of his hand causing it continents to scatter around on the floor. I pinned him down on the bed, and held his hands above him, making sure I didn't hurt him.

"E-England?!" He asked in surprise. "H-how-"

I cut him off. "Please America!" I cried, and he seemed to be shocked by the tears in my eyes. "Don't do it... I can bear loosing you. I know that every one at school makes fun of you, but you shouldn't listen to them. There are people who see you for who you really are. I do... I know your beautiful, and funny, and I know that my life would be worthless if you weren't in it. Everyday I go to that damned hell I have something to look forward to. I get to see your smile..."

"England..." He trailed off, and looked at me deeply with those blue eyes. Fresh tears now fell down his cheeks.

"Please don't ever do it..." I begged quietly. I let his hands go, and sat up on him slightly. My tears fell onto his face "A-America, I-I love you."

He widened his eyes at my confession.

I didn't give him time to respond however, because I pressed my lips against his.

After a little while he returned my gesture. I deepened the kiss our lips moving in perfect sync. The salty taste of our tears mixed with his sweet lips, but I didn't mind. I was just glad that he was with me, so warm, and alive... After what seemed like forever we pulled away.

"I won't do it England." He smiled at me, his blue eyes once again shining. "I promise, because... I love you too."


Hey guys I know it's been a while since I updated I hope you liked this. Give me some feedback please! Vote and comment, bye!

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