Memories? Or nightmares?

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Hey the third short already! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Anyway with out further ado here you go!

"America!" Someone shouted. "You are such an ungrateful fool! How could you ruin everything?"

"Huh?" America asked opening his eyes. "W-where am I?"

"You were so loved." The mysterious voice said. "And you ruined it."

"Wait I know this place." America muttered looking around. He herd a young child crying and looked toward the noise. There was a blond boy sitting in the tall grass.

"Where is he?" He sobbed. "He promised he'd only be gone for a short time."

"Th-that's me..." America said in shock.

"America?!" Someone called. "I'm back America. Where are you?"

The young boy perked up right away. "England!" He yelled happily running into the man's arms.

"Hey America!" He greeted happily as the boy wrapped his arms around his legs. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

England.... The older America thought. He's smiling. He hasn't smiled like that in a long time.

"I thought you weren't coming back, and I was going to be alone." The younger him whined.

"Oh silly boy." England chuckled. "I would never leave you."

"Promise?" Little America asked with puppy-dog eyes.

"Yes I promise." England smiled brightly. He then scooped him up in his arms.

"I promise I won't ever leave you either England!" He laughed happily.

America looked down sadly. As the voice came back, "You broke that promise. Didn't you?!"

The world around him became black, and then he ended up in another location. This is England's house.

"America stop acting like a spoiled child, and listen to me!" England yelled.

America looked over to see his teenage self. "Shut up England! I'm not a child anymore you can't tell me what to do!"

No america thought "don't yell at him. He's just worried about you! cant you see that?!"

"They can't hear you." The voice said. "You can't change the past, America."

"You can't go out alone it's too dangerous!" England yelled. "You will never make it! It's better you stay here with me!"

"No, I can't live in your shadow forever England." Teen America said. "If that's how you feel than maybe I should just leave!"

No you don't mean that. America thought tears in his eyes.

A look of hurt flashed across England's face, but he looked down to hide it. "Maybe you should..."

"Fine!" America yelled walking out the front door, and letting it slam behind him.

"You were always so strong." England muttered. When he looked up there were tears streaming down his face. "I know you can make it on your own, but I'm scared that I can't make it without you." He looked toward the door and cried. "Please don't leave me America!"

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