Part forty-five

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I picked up a flower.

Gene and I were both walking to the ward together and I briefly glanced down and saw a daisy. There were two missing petals and the middle had dirt covering the yellow insides, and I picked it up.

Gene gave me one of her confused looks, the one she does where her bottom lip pops out to the side and her eyebrows furrow together, the right one more than the left. I stared at it and I gingerly felt one of the petals with my fingertips. It was soft and smelled like rain and I smiled at it. I felt like it was smiling at me too.

"We're gonna be late, Winn." She had said, a small smile appearing on the corner of her lip.

"Yeah. Okay, sorry let's go."

I placed the daisy back down on the ground gently, walking away from it with my hands stuffing themselves into my pockets soon after. Gene and I have been walking lately, almost everywhere. We walk to the market, to the mall, to the movies, to Izzy's house, to the ward, and just about anywhere our feet can take us. Gene at first notified me that the reason behind her actions was so she could save money on gas, but then one day it was raining and we locked arms and ran under the nearest tree and she was laughing. I laughed too.

"God, that was exhilarating. I love it." She said.

She still hadn't released my arm.

Gene was in rehab for almost a month. The center that my dad had found for her allowed her to stay there for a few weeks and when she went in, she looked terrified and couldn't stop scratching her knuckles. But the day that we were waiting for her to come back to us, I saw that the dark purple color that would usually be under her eyes was fading and she was wearing these red leather gloves that went up to the very top part of her fingers, her digits naked while the rest was hidden.

She still didn't have a smile on her face, but she looked calmer and less fidgety.

"Hi." She spoke when she saw me near the entrance of the place. I smiled immediately and brought her into my arms, hugging her tightly. She giggled.

"Winnie, I was only gone for a month, not a bloody year."

"Stop nagging me and just hug me back you twat."

She did.

The drive back home was more tranquil then I had expected it to be. My parents had decided to skip work that day to take Gene home and throughout the whole ride, she was telling us stories and experiences that had happened to her from beginning to end and I could tell that she wasn't lying about one thing.

"The first week was hard. Um like they wouldn't let me take any pills for the first few days, even if I said I had a headache and I threw up a few times and-"

She chuckled this sad and embarrassed chuckle.

"Yeah. I was a mess."

I rested my head on her shoulder and she sighed.

"But then the second week they gave me like these sugar ones and it helped a little but yeah. Um the therapy was alright. I still rather have a therapist from the center but I mean what could I do, you know?"

My mum then told her how she made an appointment for Gene with this new lady at the center that they got if she wanted to try her out and Gene just shrugged. I could practically feel the strong urge that she had to say no, to just give up on everything and go back to her old ways. But she was just trying so hard to rid of all of the negatives in her life and she had spent a whole month in a place she didn't want to be for the sake of us and I don't think she wanted to throw all of that - even if it's a small bit - recovery she had made away.

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