Chapter 2

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Lacy's POV

Walking out of the booth with Gail I couldn't help but look back over my shoulder at that sexy mountain of a man. From reading the book I knew Jake was supposed to be a big burly guy, but damn Brantley is a beast; and did I mention sexy as hell! And of course he caught me lookin. I blushed even deeper when he grinned at me and shot me a wink. Now I can't shake the feeling I got when he caught me; secure and safe don't even begin to cover it. It was almost like nothing in the world could hurt me. I definitely don't feel like that when I'm with Chase. He's a great guy; he's good looking, very well groomed, sweet, charming, all the things I thought I wanted. But sometimes he makes me feel like I'm just a designer accessory. Speaking of, he hasn't txt or called me at all today. He must be stuck in a meeting with the CEO. It's been a trend lately, but that's what happens when companies merge I guess.

Before we even made it to the car I had googled Brantley. And boy do I like what I see. Some of the pictures from the concerts are making me hot under the collar. If that's what he's hiding under that black nike hoodie I'm not going to have to do much "acting" when we get to certain scenes in the script. According to Google, and every other social media outlet I've seen, unlike me, he's also very single. L.A. is going to be tortures, but delightful. I just have to behave myself. "So what do you think? Honest answer, do you think you can work with him?" Gail asked as she flipped through so random papers in her bag. "Ya we can definitely make this work. Might need a few extra takes until he gets a feel for how things work, but we should be fine." I answered trying to hid what was really going through my head. Gail flat out laughed at me. "Don't try to be coy. I saw the look on your face when he caught you like that. Sweetie that's how a real man treats women. Not like some accessory they can use when they feel like it..... Speaking of, heard from Chase yet?" "Point taken. I do t want to think about it right now. He's probably in another meeting. I'm just going to focus on lines for the first day of filming and getting into character." "You do that dear." Gail told me before she answered her phone. Hopefully we don't have any flight delays when we get to the airport. I just want to get back to hotel in L.A. so I can relax and get into my professional mode. Hopefully that will keep Brantley from under my skin.

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