Chapter 30

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Brantley's pov

"Brantley.... Wake up. You need to get moving." Opening my eyes I saw Lacey standing in front of the mirror doing her makeup. She was in a pair of jeans that were still unbuttoned, a bra, and her hair was still wrapped in a towel. "Darlin we don't have to be at the first radio station until 6am and I..." She cut me off. "Brantley the traffic is going to be crazy and its 430 we need to leave at 5:15. Get your butt in the shower!" Wow she's never gotten huffy like that before. Damn hormones, but she's damn sexy like that. "Ok ok. Calm down Lacey I'm up see." I told her getting to my feet. The look in her eyes when she realized I was naked, was nothing less than savage. She looked like she could eat me alive. I've never been cruel to her but I think it's time to trim her teeth ; even if it is just the hormones talkin. "Someone likes what they see." I gloated and crossed my arms over my chest. "I definitely do." She might as well have been drooling. "Sorry darlin. Gotta hop in the shower so we're not late and you still need to dry your hair." With a smirk on my face I headed to the shower. When I came back into the room she was fully dressed and waiting on me to find my boots and keys so we could head out. "Why did you do that to me?" She asked cautiously. I just smirked. "Because I wanted to see how you'd react. Now I know." 45 minutes later we made it to the first of 6 interviews we had scheduled before the movie premiere. The host as the standard expected questions: what are favorite scenes were the film, what the hardest part of the movie was, if I would be in another movie, and of course baby questions. What caught me by surprise was the lack of questions about Chase and the kidnapping. But that didn't last very long. As soon as we hit the red carpet those were some of the first questions asked; how I found Lacey before the cops, how long Chase had her, if the lady fed really shot in a hospital room, if she still had a job, and if they really offered me a job. We were polite as possible and decline to answer most of the questions except for the one about me maybe going to be a Fed. Of course I had to be a smart ass and bring up my past felonies. "Honestly I don't see myself changing careers any time soon. And I'm fairly certain once they realize how many felonies I have they will change their minds." The last interview was probably my favorite since it was with my boy Bobby Bones. He's a hoot. Right out the gate he hits one out of the park and makes Lacey blush as red as an apple. "So all the fans wanna know if baby Gilbert was conceived during that steamy sex scene that was leaked." I lost it. "Dude really?" Lacey finally got her composure. "No not that one. From the guestimates the doctor gave is it was probably when we're practicing for the new scene you will actually see in the movie tonight." Bobby's jaw bout hit the floor. Damn that woman is witty when she wants to be.

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