Chapter 20

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Lacey's pov

Time passed in slow motion once the sheriff made it to the set. In the 3 minutes it took them to reach us, Brantley had beaten Chase to a bloody pulp. Later i found out it took 4 deputies to get Brantley off Chase. They even had to tase him! I got a glimpse of Chase as he was taken out on a stretcher and in hand cuffs. He looked like he'd been used as a human piñata. I tried to get to Brantley as they escorted him out, but Gail and sheriff insisted I had to stay and give a full statement. Seeing him just made me cry hysterically again. Seeing my reaction the sheriff yelled for the deputy to bring Brantley to me. My instant reaction was to wrap my arms around him and burry my head in his chest. "You gotta calm down baby girl. Here, sit in my lap and tell the sheriff everything that happened." Brantley sat in a chair and let me sit in his lap while I gave a full statement. "Ms James, usually we leave the decision to press charges up to the victim. But in this case, with all the previous incidents, its out of your hands. The DA will be filing charges first thing tomorrow. We just need you to testify. All things considered it will be one trial over all aspects leading to today. Unfortunately, as much as I don't want to, I still have to haul Mr. Gilbert in on assault charges. He will be eligible for bail in the morning at 9am. What happens after that is up to a judge." The sheriff put his hand out to help me off Brantley's lap. After a final kiss I had to watch them take away the man I love in cuffs.
No surprise I cried again. But this time it didn't last long. I had to tell Ms Becky and Kolby what happened before they heard it on the news or social media. Ms Becky must have had me on speaker because I heard Kolby laugh in the background, "I bet Brantley stomped some ass!" Of course Ms Becky yelled at him, and then at me! "Kolby hush! Lacy girl you listen and you listen good. You are not for any reason to be alone, and first thing in the morning you go get my boy and you give him a big ol kiss from his mama. After that I expect a prompt call fr my son with a fully detailed explanation. I know you just told me but I need to hear it from him. It will be hard, but try and get some rest. I have a feeling you won't be sleeping tomorrow night." Kolby laughed again and I could hear Ms Becky smile through the phone.
Gail, bless her sweet soul, had to get me cloths from wardrobe to ware back to her place. Everything from the dressing room is now evidence and under lock down. After a glass of wine and a few bites of food we found our way to the plush sofa in her den. It was way to soon to try and sleep. Not like I could any way. "The editing team called. They finished cleaning up the new "scene", and made triple sure its theater appropriate." We both giggled. "Ok I can't help it. I have to ask. Promise it will stay between us girls." I knew exactly where this questioning was heading. "No I wasn't faking for the camera." I told her with a crooked smile, because my eyes made her jaw drop. "Ya I was pretty sure that was all real. I mean women can fake it, but no way In hadies that was fake. So..., is he always like that? That controling, that rough?" She was blushing deeper with every question. I coudlnt keep the smile off my face as I thought about the answers. "That ear to ear grin is all the answer I need." We both busted out laughing. "Seriously though Lacey, I know its not my fault, but I owe you an apology. Chase could have done some serious damage. I'm just glad you're safe." We both teared up. Gail has become a good friend during all this. "You're right Gail. This is not your fault at all. And honestly I owe you a thanks. I would still be stuck in a volatile relationship with that ass hat if it weren't for all you set in motion. And I also owe you a huge thanks for talking Brantley into this roll. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me." I was going to say more when my cell rang. It was chase's grandmother checking on me. As we were talking Gail excused herself to bed and I followed suit finishing my call in the guest room then trying with no luck to get some sleep.

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