Chapter 16

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Lacey's pov

As soon as Brantley ended the call with Gail, she sent us digital copies of our plain tickets. That ment we had to say good by to Ms Becky earlier than expected and head back to Brantley's to pack. Per usual, we were greeted at the front door by sylo, who was unusually loud and mouthy. It put Brantley on edge. He demanded I wait outside until he cleared the house. When he came back out he was on the phone with the local sheriff. Someone had broken in. They didn't take anything that Brantley could see, but they left a note. We didn't open it until the sheriff made it to the house. I could hear a video playing on the TV but again Brantley wouldn't let me inside.
The sheriff cleared the house yet again, turned off the TV, put an unmarked DVD in evidence, then opened the letter. He just shook his head and handed the letter to Brantley who instantly turned blood red and looked murderous!
"Brantley, what's wrong? you're scaring me." I spoke softly and took a step back. My movements made him frown. "Hey now, I'm sorry I scared you, an I don't mean to sound harsh, but we gotta get this crystal clear right now! Don't you ever back away from me; I would never, I mean ever hurt you! I'm furious about this letter. I thought this shit with Chase was over. Now the little fuck stick pulls this shit in my house! Hell no, this shit don't fly folks. Well lets be honest. He probably paid someone. But that video you heard was the missing footage from the movie. It's "our scene"." Mentioning the steamy sex scene made me wear a small smile. Both combined made Brantley smirk. "So what do we do now?" I asked stepping into his arms as the sheriff kept giving his men directions and telling them what to take samples of or where to dust for prints. Brantley grinned and slid his hands into my back pockets. "Well we now have a copy of our scene, but I still think we should he'd back to LA and do damage control. Make a new, better scene." I cracked up when he wiggled his eye brows at me. "Then do some sort of media press thing, whatever Gail wants, to let fans know what's up. That its a leaked part of the movie." I was about to agree with Brantley when my cell rang. It was Gail. "Lacey? I'm assuming you're with Brantley!? Put me on speaker. I just got off the phone with your local sheriff. The production lawyers want to step in as soon as we have prints or something other than speculation. They will be mailing guilty parties to the wall over this! Everyone is furious." I laughed and broke in. "You should have seen Brantley's reaction." I patted his chest and Gail in I laughed together "now that would be camera worthy!" Gail giggled. "Easy girls, its not funny. That fucker violated my home!" He kept grumbling. Something about filthy scumbag. Gail final spoke back up. "So new game plan. We need a new better "scene" since this one was leaked, and we can do a talk showwith whomever you to want to go on air with. A positive of this is free publicity for the movie. Brantley don't yell; I know you're mad and you have every right. Just don't go to prison. Lacey would die so I would looses my stars and good friends." That made all of us laugh. "I'm not one to make promises I can't keep, so I'll promise to try my best not to kill the little shit if I see him." The sheriff looked away as Brantley was ranting and pretended not to hear a thing. Once the sheriff's department left, Kolby came to the house to keep am eye on things while we were gone. Of course the guys were fussing and Ms Becky was in a tizzy. "Brantley Keith now you just keep your head on and don't go flying off the handle. Lacey please tell him. I know ya can't stop him, but try. He will listen to you I hope." I have her a big hug as Brantley picked up my bag. "You have my word I will do my absolute best to keep him out of trouble." Kolby chiming in didn't help. "That's won't happen darlin. Tried that for years. Just keep him out of jail for us." Brantley cracked up when ms Becky slapped kolby upside the back of his head. After one last round of hugs we made our way to the air port. Ugh I hope it's a smooth flight.

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