Chapter 10

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Lacey's pov

THE scene, as Brantley and I have been referring to it, went off without a hitch. It was so good neither the director or Gail asked for a second take; which has been the trend so far. And Brantley being the gentleman he is, did exactly what I asked. He made sure all my naughty tid bits were covered. I couldn't keep the smile off my face when I thought about him growling at the poor gopher guy on set who brought me my robe. I sware he jumped ten feet in the air and put the road runner to shame at how quickly he got away from us, well Brantley.
The drama started before we were even fully dressed and back in the conference room. We were supposed to be discussing the final week of shooting before we took a two week brake, but the main topic was a set leak and how to deal with it. According to the tweet I saw someone got a chance video of Brantley and I kissing between takes and plastered it everywhere! Gail and the director Mitch were already throwing ideas around when Brantley and I walked in. "I take it by the look on his face," Mitch nodded his head in Brantley's direction, "they already know what's happened. I want to personally apologize now. I vet all my crew and have worked with them for years. This has never happened before and it will be dealt with before the day is over." Mitch reassured us. "I know exactly who it will lead back to." I told Mitch handing him my phone with a picture of Chase up so he could see. "Well this makes me feel somewhat better. Now I know I won't have to fire any of my long term crew members." Mitch answered with relief in his voice. "Care to explain." Gail asked sitting in a chair at the end of the long conference table. "Ya what she said." Brantley added taking a sweet at the opposite end and pulling me into his lap. "We ordered pizza today; I saw this man talking to the delivery guy on way back to the office when we took our daily two hours brake. I thought noting of it until now...." Mitch started to say more when my phone rang. "What's that look all about?" Brantley asked with an aggravated tone. "It's chase's grandmother. I'll call her back later." I told him sitting my phone on the table. Gail's eyes lit up. "Call her back now on speaker phone. You said she always adored you. Maybe she's got information we can use." The guys chimed in, in agreement so I took a deep breath and called. It only ran once before she answered. "Lacey dear, I'm so glad you returned my call." The sweet voice greeted me. "Now I know you're busy filming you're newest movie with that country music hunk, so let me get straight to the point. Chase is a nasty little shit just like his mother, and I know without a doubt t he's the one causing all this fuss. But rest assured I've taken care if things and he won't be nothing you any more. After all I'm the one who controls the real purse strings in this family and in its current state Chase has quite a few rules to follow if he wants any of his inhirentance once I'm gone." We shared a laugh and I thanked her for stepping in on my behalf. "Nonsense my girl. I'm just glad you got some since and finally left him. He never treated you right and as much as I miss seeing you I would much rather see you safe and happy with that Brantly fellow. Did i mention he's one dashing looking man. I suggest you get your game plan together and make him yours before this old bird gets a wild hair and takes after him herself." That made everyone in the to grin and snicker. Once I hung up we all started giving Brantley a hard time. But something Mitch pointed out before we headed back to the hotel kind of upset me. Next week is the last part of the first full shoot. Then we are taking a two week brake. That means Brantley will probably be gone for two weeks. I don't like the thought of that at all. And it just made things worse because I started thinking about what would happen when we are done shooting all together. He would go back to his life in the music business and I would be here in L.A. Have I really fallen this hard for him this quickly? That's when the words of chase's grandmother rang in my ears, "get a game plan together." But how do I handle a man like this. I'm way out of my depth here. He's nothing like the men out here. Let's be honest, he knew the descriptions in the script were possible and I was clueless. He took breath away and nothing happened. Well we did kiss, and it made my blood boil. I started to think about what it would be like to actually be with him. Not just have him show me things can be done. And he said that's not even close to what he really likes. What's this man holding back? His deep voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Earth to Lacey. You in there darlin?" He smiled at me when I looked up at him from my spot in the arm chair. I had curdled up there when he answered a call from his manager. "Whys that sad loom on your beautiful face?" He asked pulling me up then sitting me back in his lap in the chair. "I was thinking about the conference today and what was said..." He chuckled and tilted my chin up to him. "No worries darlin I won't let the old bird, as she put it, steel me away." I couldn't help but giggle at the thought. "But I can see there's more to it than that Lacey and I can't help or fix it if you don't talk sugar." He waited calmly for my answer. I took a deep breath and started rambling about every thought that ran through my head; the two week brake, how fast things have happened, what would happen when the movie was done, and I was talking so fast I didn't stop when i ment to. I kept rambling about the sex scenes and what it would really be like or what he ment when he said they just scratched the surface. Realizing what I said I slapped my hands over my mouth and his my head. I had half a mind to bolt and hid in the bathroom but I never made it. Brantley grabbed me by the shoulders and made me look at him. He was trying not to laugh at me. He was trying to be sweet, but he couldn't hide the grin. When he got his composure he finally started talking. "Lacey I can't disagree with ya. It's been a crazy few weeks, but I wouldn't change it for the world. When the two week brake happens I want you to come to GA with me. Actually you have to or I'm a dead man. Momma will skin me alive if I don't bring you." I coudlnt help but laugh at the scare d look on his face when he told me about his mother. "As for the rest of it, we will make it work. You model when you're not filming; that can be done from anywhere and you get to pick the jobs. Plus you can always come on tour with me and do some of your promotions at the same time. But I have to be honest here. I don't share. So I wouldn't be OK with you kissing another man. Even if it is on set." His eyes were dark when he told me that. "I can pick different rolls that arnt the lead or movies that don't have that at all. And thank you for not making me feel worse about my last bit of rambling." I told him as I laid my head on his shoulder. That's when he chuckled and it gave me chills. "That's because I need more than words to answer those questions and I don't want to rush things. So for now I settle for another one of those kisses and a back rub."

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