Chapter 29

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This makes the 110th dress I've tried this week alone! Ok so its only the 8th, but I've looked at over 100. I can't believe Brantley is still making me go; I wanna go I just feel like a fat cow in everything even though he insists I'm still sexy. These hormones are driving me crazy. One second I'm fine and the next I'm a crying basket case. Worst part is I don't even know why I'm cry half the dang time! Yes I said dang not damn. I'm trying to watch my language now that I will be a mother. It's going ok I guess. Unlike the search for this dress! "Lacey you ok in there dear?" Ms Becky's concern pulled me from my thoughts. I love that woman. She's always so genuinely sweet and caring. And most of the time she's got the best advice. "Yes ma'am just not happy with this dress either." I pouted. "Then let me make a blunt suggestion slash observation. One female to another." When she says that it usually means its going to be akward because it refers to her son, but its what needs to be said. Her face during this always cracks me up. "Brantley has never been able to keep his hands or eyes off you. And now that your carrying his child he's even worse. I sware the last time we had dinner I was ready to slap him upside the back of his head." Her comment and expression made us both laugh. "So pick something that fits comfortably and shows off the baby belly. Something black with a lower neck line. Then tell Brantley you want a sparkling necklace to match. New jewelry makes everything look better." She winked at me and j just had to hug her. "That's the beat idea ever!" After another two stores we found exactly what I wanted. We even managed to find matching shows.
When I got back to the cabin Brantly was lounged in his chair with sylo watching the game. Or so I thought. After I sat my keys down and he said nothing I realized both were asleep. I couldn't resist; I took a pic and posted it to Instagram, then headed upstairs for a nice long hot bath to help my back.
Ten minutes later I got a text; where did you run off to beautiful? I wanted some quality cuddle time with my sexy girl before we have to pack and hit the road.
Me; I'm in the bath and NO you can't join me or we will be running late. Plus your girl needs something...
B; anything beautiful, just ask.
Me; I want a pretty sparkling necklace to go with my dress. I'll send a pic of the dress and shoes. You go find it and I'll pack while you're gone. I'll have everything ready by 6. We can stop for food before cross the state line.
B; I'm on baby girl, but I expect payment when we get to the hotel in Nashville tonight since this is last minute. ;)
Me; I think I can manage that ;)
An hour and a half later Brantley made it back to find me waiting in his chair with sylo laying at my side and our suitcases at the front door. Of course I got lecture for sylo laying one me. "Baby girl don't let him do that. He don't know how big he is and I don't want him accidentally hurting you or the baby." I stood up from the chair then sylo hopped out. "Watch" was all I said then patted the arm of the chair. Sylo hopped back up and scooted to the side for me to sit. Once I was reclined he laid his head in my lap. "See! He knows what's going on. He didn't just jump up here like he does with you. He even likes to listen when the baby moves." I scratched his ears then stood back up. Brantley just grumbled. "Well I guess I stand corrected and now I know who you like to cuddle with more." "Aww someone's jealous." He just pouted even more as he threw our bags in the back of the truck. It took about 6 hours to get to Nashville and we were both whipped and ready to crash by the time we got to our room. The only thing we managed to do was hang our cloths for the awards tomorrow and fall asleep. The alarm would be going off in less than 4 hours. Gotta love a day packed full of interviews. I'm just glad it's not in new York or LA. We wouldn't be sleeping at all if that were the case.

You Can't Handle HerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora