Chapter 22

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Brantley's pov

Lacey wasn't kidding when she said she was hungry. That little bitty thing ate a bacon cheeseburger, her fries, the last of my fries, and a large frosty. But that was only half her issue. As soon as we were inside the hotel room she was on me like a mad woman. Cloths flew every direction and I think she even tore the button off my jeans. Two hours later I was finally able to satisfy the little vixin and get her to sleep.
The next morning we hopped on a flight back to Georgia. We all agreed we needed a brake after the chaos. Of course mama insisted we come straight to her house from the air port so she could feed us and look us over. On the way Lacey was going through her calendar and periodically grumbling. "What's all that huffin and puffin about over there Ms thing?" I asked from the driver seat. "A reminder from my doctor I need to make an appointment so they can officially give me my results. Knowing my luck lately they will want another damn sample." she started to say more but I cut in. "As in some guys gonna be all around what's mine? You know I'm going right?" It was more like a statement than an actual question. Luckily it didn't piss her off. Instead she started giggling at me. "What's so funny?" I asked trying to keep am eye on the road. "Your mama and I literally just made plans to have lunch after my appointment so she was just going to ride with me. Have fun explaining all that to her." Lacey was smirking and texting like a mad woman, to I'm assuming my mother. "Oh she won't say much in front of you. Now once she gets me along I'll get an ear full. But honestly she knows how I am."
Mama bolted out the front door as soon as I pulled in. Lacey wasn't even out of her seatbelt before mama slung the door open and tried to put her out. She's really taken a liking to her. Honestly shes really protective and mindful of her lately. Even before I got locked up. I'm gonna have to ask about that if I get a chance.
"Brantly Keith you get over here to me now!" Mama made me grin when she yelled fore like that. "I'd ask what you were thinkin, but I'm not big on questions I know the answer to. Both of ya get inside and relax while I finish super." Lacey hadent even made it the door and she was sniffin the air asking what we were having. Mama just giggled. "You'll see when I give ya your traditional sample plate. Now go wash up." When Lacey was out of ear shot I followed mama to the kitchen. "Ok Angel, I need answers. I know ya like Lacey, but what's going on that I'm missing? You're always protective, but I'm sensing more; not sure what, but more." I paused waiting for her answer keeping an ear out for Lacey. Mama kinda gave me this look like I was a complete dunce. "I thought you knew; I mean the way you beat the tar out of that vial excuse of a man; not that you wouldn't have stomped a mud hole in him any way... Or am I wrong?." Mamas rambling had me even more confused. "Wrong about what exactly Angel? Ya know I don't do the enuindow thing. Speak plane woman." I grinned at her to make sure she knew I was joking. Didn't want her to smack me. "Oh you simple boy." Now she's laughing at me. "Now I'm no doctor, but if I'm right I'd say little miss Lacey is about to make me grandma in about 7 months or so."

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