Chapter 15

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Brantley's POV:

After endless ribbing from Kolby, who showed up at Momma's, and now knew what happened, he and I went and sat on the front porch. "So in all seriousness now, is this a thing? Or is this just temporary?" He asked. "Definitely a thing. Brother I rearranged an entire tour around the that little girl. I'm sure as hell serious." I said. He nodded and smiled. "Good. I like her B, she's a good girl." I nodded and we bumped fists. I stood and headed inside for another glass of sweet tea, but paused in the doorway to the kitchen. Lacey was sitting on Momma's island, as always, still eating. Again, as always. I paused when momma stood in front of her and hugged her. Coaxing her into talking. "He just..." Lacey sniffled. "Brantley scared the heck out of me." She shook her head sadly. Momma frowned. So did I. I don't know what I did, but I certainly never meant to scare her. "How does he scare you dear? Surely you know Brantley would never put his hands on you, I know he's a big boy, but he was raised better than that-" Lacey quickly cut her off. "Oh no! I don't mean I'm physically afraid of him. I'm scared of what I feel when I'm around him. Brantley would never, EVER, hurt me intentionally. He's... He's incredible. He's protective, but still such a sweetheart. He's big and rough and tough, but treats me so gentle its like he's worried I'll break. He dosent play games, he says what he means. He's funny, he's intelligent, he's freakin perfect! And he's got my head all screwed up. My heart says yes. My head says to be careful." Lacey groaned and snatched another dinner roll to munch on. Momma chuckled and patted her leg. "Honey when it's right, it's right. Your head can't control what your heart wants. Tell me this.. Does my son make you happy? Truly happy?" She asked. Lacey smiled brightly and nodded. "Deliriously happy." She said vehemently. "Then put your brain on pause and just let things play out how they're supposed to." Momma smiled. Lacey nodded and hugged her tightly. "Ms. Becky, thank you so much. There aren't many people in my corner that I can talk to. So thanks, for being you. And putting up with me. And for raising such an amazing son." Lacey said. Momma sniffled. "Oh come here sweet girl, I'll always be in your corner." She pulled Lacey into a hug and I quietly left the room, quickly stopping Kolby who was about to barrel into the kitchen. "Let'em be brother. Come on, let's go back outside." I explained. Kolby nodded and we headed back out to the porch. My phone rang and I looked down, seeing it was Gail, I answered. "Brantley! Thank God I caught you!" She panted into the phone like she was running around. "Hey hey, take a deep breath. There ya go, easy now." I tried to calm her down. "Now tell me what's got you all wound up." "The film for the sex scene is missing! We don't have anything to use right there in place of it. The computers all went down the other day from a power surge, and thankfully we managed to save everything else. What are we going to do?" "Take another deep breath, good girl. Lacey and I will catch the first flight out in the morning. We'll re-film it as soon as we get there. We still have another week off, so it won't put us behind schedule. We'll just come in early." I explained. "But no one can get in touch with Lacey! I'm starting to freak out! What if Chase did something?! Brantley!" She panicked again. "Darlin keep breathing. Relax, that little shit is nowhere near Lacey." I assured her. "But how can you be certain?" She sniffled just as Lacey came onto the porch and plopped her little ass in my lap. "Because she's been in Georgia with me since we got off. Her phone was dead, so it's at my house. We're at my Momma's right now, and Miss James is currently seated in my lap. So I can assure you Gail, she's perfectly fine." I explained to the neurotic woman. She sighed heavily. "Thank God." "Hi Gail, sorry I scared you." Lacey said into the phone. "No need to apologize, just enjoy the hell out of that man!" I heard Gail laugh before she hung up. We both chuckled. As I explained to Lacey what was going on, momma came outside as well. My brother stood and let her sit, and she handed Lacey another plate of food. She moaned and dug in. "You ever quit eatin little bit?" Kolby asked her. She shook her head no. "I'm always hungry, they don't have food like this in L.A. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to going back. Georgia back roads beats the L.A. Freeway any day of the week." She grinned and kept on eating.

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