Chapter 28

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Brantley's POV:

The judge shook my hand after releasing me and dropping the charges. Turns out, he remembered me from my hell raising days. But now, I wanted to get home to Lacey. I was headed to my brother, who was idling at the curb when my phone rang. "Change of plans. Meet us at the hospital. Lacey's spotting and I'm bringing her in." It was momma, she hung up to drive and I broke out in a sweat. "Move. I'm driving." I told Kolby. "What? No way! My truck, I drive!" He whined. "Kolby I don't have time for this shit! Lacey's bleeding. Momma's on the way to the hospital with her!" I roared. Kolby handed my the keys and apologized. We made it there in record time and they rushed us all to the back. Lacey was immediately given an ultrasound and hooked up to a heart monitor for the baby. After doing several tests, they explained the baby was perfectly healthy. That some light spotting, especially during times of high stress, was normal. If it got worse, then we'd come back. But for now, they were releasing Lacey. Thank you Lord. I was finally able to breath after that. About that time a lady fed walked in pushing a woman in a wheelchair. "This is Abigail Jones. Miss Jones was bound in Chase Maxwell's hotel room, and she's agreed to testify on our side. She wanted to make sure you were ok." The woman told Lacey. Lacey gasped. "You're the woman he was talking about. He held you captive and was going to force you to care for my child." She stated. Abigail nodded and sniffled. "He's horrible! He's completely insane, there's no reasoning with him. He kept telling me that I was going to raise his child. When he told me who you were, it all made sense. I'm a fan of you both, and I saw the pregnancy announcements. So I told him that. That that's not his baby. But he wouldn't stop. He's sterile, so he figured he'd take your baby by force. Then after he or she was born, he'd kill you. Then Brantley." She cried again. I knelt down by the wheelchair and rubbed her back. Lacey hugged her. After promising her that the baby was just fine, the lady fed wheeled her back to her room. Minutes later, the nurse came in. After signing Lacey's discharge papers, I helped her get dressed, and ran down to pull the truck around. When I got back to the room, all hell had broken loose. Apparently they kept chase in the hospital after they patched him up. He slipped by the officer watching his door. Well I found him. He was in Lacey's room, about to grab her. She shrunk back into a corner as I rounded the corner. "You've gotta be fuckin kidding me!" I roared and grabbed him. He had a syringe full of something in his hand, so I made sure to steer clear of the needle. I got him on the ground and wrapped my hands around his throat, intent on killing the little shit. "My woman, my child! You thought to put your hands on MY family! You're a stupid son of a bitch you know that?" I growled. "Gilbert! Let him go!" The lady fed was back. I growled again at being interrupted and backed off. "Watch him. I'm tired of ya'll letting him get loose." I glared at her. As soon as she cuffed me for putting my hands on him.. Again, chase managed to get up and lunge towards Lacey with the syringe. I was halfway across the room when the woman fired her weapon, putting a bullet between chase's eyes. He dropped to the floor dead. She looked like she was in shock as she he cuffed me. "Are you insane?!" I roared and took her gun. "What the hell kind of rookie shit was that?! You don't open fire in a room this size! Especially not towards a pregnant woman!" I motioned to Lacey in the corner. The woman looked pale and ashen. I shook my head to clear the ringing in my ears. "Lacey you alright baby?" I asked her. She nodded. "You should've just put a bullet in his head instead of his shoulder at the warehouse. Who the hell gave that woman a gun?" She groaned and rubbed her ears. I chuckled and pulled her towards me, locking my arms around her. When several more agents swarmed the room, I handed the agent's gun to her supervisor. "Please don't give this back to her anytime soon. She open fired in a hospital room. Put me in cuffs when I had Chase restrained, then almost threw up when she shot him." I said unimpressed. He shook his head sadly. "I'm so sorry about all of this. Y'all go on and get out of her. Get your lady home and off her feet. She's been through enough. If you ever need anything, call me. Hell son, call me if you ever want a job too. I'd make it happen." He grinned and walked off. I tugged Lacey up into my arms and headed out. Momma and Kolby were in the waiting room, panicking because they couldn't get through to anyone. I explained that all was fine now and everything was over. For good. Now it was time to take Lacey home and get her calmed down.

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