Chapter 5

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Brantley's POV:

I walked Lacey to her room and paused. When she turned to me, her eyes locked on the floor, I stepped closer. Tilting her chin up so she'd meet my eyes I spoke softly. "Lacey I don't care what time it is, day or night. You need me, you call me darlin. I don't like him, he gives me a bad feeling. You can tell me to back off, or to mind my own business. I'll understand. But something ain't quite right with that kid. He tried anything, call me. I mean it Lacey." I kept my tone light. She sniffled and nodded. "I will. I'll be by in a few hours to run lines." She whispered and hugged me quickly. After the door closed behind her, I started to head to my room but paused when I heard him. "What were you two talking about?!" Chase yelled. I backtracked and stood by the door, not liking the fact that he was yelling at her. I heard something crash to the floor and shatter, a case or lamp probably, and I tensed. I shot Lacey a quick text to make sure she was alright. "Who's that?!" Chase bellowed. "It's Brantley, he just wanted to make sure I was ok." She said sadly. "It's none of his goddamn business Lacey! I don't want you around him. Quit this job, you'll no longer be acting on this movie." He demanded. "No!" Lacey snapped at him. He didn't respond but I heard Lacey yelp. "Chase you're hurting me! Let go!" She yelled. That was the final straw. I tried the door, it was locked. "Open the door boy..." I warned. My voice a few octaves deeper than normal. "Fuck off biker boy. This is none of your business!" He hissed back. I tried again, "Lacey, do I need to come in there?" I tried to keep my voice steady, but the rage bubbled through. She yelped again. "Brantley!" She yelled out. Fuck this. I roared and put my size 13 to the door. My boot splintering the frame. The door swung open and I walked in. Chase had Lacey's arm twisted up behind her back, when the door flew open he froze, his mouth open in shock. I growled low in my chest. "Don't look back. Lock the door behind you." I rumbled and handed Lacey the key to my room as Chase let her go and backed himself into a corner. She snatched the key and took off out of there. Good girl. "Y-you're gonna have to pay for that." He stuttered, pointing to the broken door. "You think I give a shit? I'm telling you this now son, you put your hands on her again, I'll put a bullet in your head... You understand that?" I growled and stepped into his personal space. "There won't be any stupid restraining orders, no cops, none of that. There will be a funeral. You got me? I'm not some punk ass little boy that's gonna play this game with you. This is your only warning. Lacey will call you if she wants to talk later." I growled and walked out of the room. Trying my damnedest not to go back and beat the shit out of him. It was taking all of my control not to. When I knocked on the door to my room I called out so she knew it was me. "Lacey its me darlin, open up." She did, and when I saw the hand shaped bruises on her arms I growled and got angry all over again. She ducked her head. I handed her my hoodie and helped her into it. Lacey sat in the bed while I laced the room, keeping my temper in check. "Are you ok? I'm sorry, this is my problem and I drug you into-" I cut her off quickly and knelt in front of her. "Don't you apologize for that, girl. Never. You ain't gonna drag me into anything I don't wanna be drug into. That isn't your fault, understand that. If y'all wanna talk it out, that's fine. It's not my business. But I will say this, it won't be the last time something like this happens, and the next time I step in, it's gonna get ugly." I promised her. She sniffled. I sat next to her and pulled her into my lap, cradling her gently. "Thank you." She sniffled. "You don't have to thank me for being a decent human being. Where I come from, a man don't put hands on a woman. He don't let his temper get the best of him. He don't start yelling and hollering. A woman should never be afraid of the man she's with. I'll say it now, that boy doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who knows what you want, what you need, and can provide that readily. Now you get comfortable and rest, I'm gonna go hit the gym and get my temper back in check. I'll be back in around and hour or so." I kissed her forehead and helped her into my bed.

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