Chapter 12

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Lacey's pov

We've been in Georgia for a week and I feel right at home. I absolutely love Brantley's mother, and his friends are hilarious; a little scary at times with the wild antics, but still hilarious. Everyone has been super nice and constantly making sure I'm comfortable and feel included. Crazy Dave even let me help tighten some bolts when he did a tune up in Brantley's garage during the BBQ Wednesday night. Needless to say I've had a blast just relaxing, riding bikes, and I even enjoyed shooting a lot more than I thought I would. But truthfully all I want to do now is spend some quality time with Brantley, just us.
Unfortunately I have calls to make to my agent about upcoming shoots and adds after the movie and Ms Becky is so excited to have another female around. She wants a girls day of shopping and lunch. So I won't see Brantly until tonight when he gets back from a ride with the guys. I'm just glad Brantley's agent faxed my agent a tour schedule so they can make it mesh up. Brantley is so sweet, he even offered to change up some tour dates so we wouldn't be apart any more than 5 days. Which made me extremely happy. Like I've said, its been a whirl wind but I'm happy. For the first time, in I can't remember how long, I can truly say I'm happy.
When I pulled up in front of Ms Becky's house she looked like she was in shock. I immediately hopped down out of the truck to find out what was wrong. She could see the worry on my face and started laughing. "Calm down sugar, I'm fine. Just in shock is all." She laughed at me. I was thoroughly confused. "Why are you in shock? I'm completely lost. Have I done something wrong?" That just made her laugh harder. "Goodness no; well, Brantley is the one who gave you the keys right?" Her question just made it worse. When she caught her breath again she finally explained. "Lacey, Brantley won't even let me drive his truck! Not that I want to, but you get  my point." The lightbulb finally clicked for me. "So this is a big deal!?" I said half shocked.
We eventually managed to stop laughing and make our way to a local restaurant Ms Becky insisted I would like. I guess they have the best chicken and dumplings in three counties; its not like I have a lot to compare them to. I definitely thought they were delicious, and made a note to have Brantley bring me back sometime. During lunch Ms Becky made me blush. "I've tried my best to not be the prying pushy mother, but I can't resist. How do you do it?" She asked gesturing to me. "You're going to have to be a bit more specific. Im not sure what you mean." I answered stuffing my face with more food. "Stay so fit and pretty. You've been here over a week and you've  eaten anything you  wanted. If I did that I'd be as big as that door way." She pointed to the exit. "Honestly your son has kept me running around like crazy until today. This is the most sitting I've done since I've been here. And I chalk it partly up to good genetics. I work out, but not as much as most people think." I started to explain more when my phone rang. "Excuse Ms  Becky. It's my agent I need to take this. Hey Todd. Do you have goodwatch?  for me? That's perfect. Thank you sooooooo much. You're the best." I grinned as I hung up the phone. "Well share already dear." Ms Becky insisted as the waitress handed us the dessert menu. "We will be sharing a piece of the death by chocolate cake please ma'am." I told the waitress. When she walked away I filled Ms Becky in on what I was able to work out with our schedules for after the movie. "That's wonderful dear. I'm sure Brantley will be thrilled to hear the news. Um speaking of the movie... Is it something I'm going to be able to watch? I mean, well with all the steamy scenes kolby has been teasing  Brantley about I don't want to make it akward." I smiled. She was trying to spare her son the embossment. I couldn't resist texting Brantley about it. His reply made me smile and feel special.
B: thanks for the heads up :) and thanks for spending time with her. I've never really been with anyone my mother approved of. Let alone someone she wanted to get to know.
Me: aww that makes me feel special.
B: well if that makes you feel special Im interested to see how tonight makes you feel 😉
Me: tonight? ... What's tonight? 😃
B: well see there's this girl, and I really want to spend some quality time with her. See a few weeks ago I got addicted to her kisses and now I'm dying to have some more. But we've been catching up with friends
I knew what he ment, but I had to mess with him.
Me: more..... What? Exactly.
B: more quality time....

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