Chapter 27

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Lacey's pov

"DROP THE WEAPONS AND GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!" I could hear multiple people screaming and yelling, but I couldn't see through the tears. "FUCK OFF!" I know that voice. "BRANTLEY...........!" My eyes opened in time to see him drop his guns and reach to untie me. That's when they tasted him, and that's when I went ballistic. "NOOOOOO! STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!" As soon as the deputy got me looses I tried to get to Brantley. The dumb ass made the mistake of trying to stop me. From what I'm told he now has a broken jaw from me hitting him causing him to bust his face on the concrete floor. Brantley had just come to and was sitting up when I made it to his side. He was still kinda groggy, but pulled me down in his lap. Of course I started balling and clinging to him for dear life. "Ms. James you need to stand up. We are placing Mr Gilbert under arrest for homicide." The sheriff didn't get a chance to say another word. Brantley flew off the handle. I still felt safe even though he was screaming like a mad man. "You worthless no account sons of bitches gotta be kiddin me! He's not dead! They just took him away in the fucking ambulance you numb nuts! I only ahit him in the back of the damn shoulder. And had you done your fucking g jobs and not just tailed me when mama called ya, I wouldn't have had to shoot. He was getting ready to take off with her and our child! And I used legal force to protect my family you ignorant fuck sticks! That's not murder!"

Brantley's pov

I was shaking so damn bad I could hardly breath. By the time the feds made it to the scene I had finally managed to calm Lacey down. The lady agent was kind enough to take my statment while the medic looked Lacey over as I held her. She wouldn't let me out of arms length. After three more rounds of questions, mama showed up to take Lacey back to the cabin. No surprise I had to be booked and spend another night in jail until I could go before a judge. Hearing Lacey cry damn near killed me. Sleep wasn't an option after they booked me. My mind wouldn't stop. Who the hell is the woman Chase kept talking about? We gotta sort it out so no more crazy shit happens. If there is a next time I wont wound. The sheriff will be booking me for murder!

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