Chapter 3

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Brantley's POV:

I was sitting in the airport waiting on my luggage to be located. One bag. Out of an entire damn place, they lose one bag. I was sitting down, scrolling through my phone when I had an idea. I quickly googled 'Lacey James', my gorgeous new co-star. It pulled up all kinds of pictures and news feeds. One caught my eye. It was a headline from a tabloid. "Lacey James and boyfriend Chase Maxwell seen arguing outside of L.A. restaurant." It read. I clicked on it and looked into this boyfriend of hers. Hmph. I wasn't impressed. The slick little shit had a little-man complex apparently. He drove a flashy sports car, wore designer clothes, and had a $300 haircut. He looked like a pompous ass, and I'm bettin he didn't know what the hell to do with a woman like Lacey. I put my phone away as an airport employee brought my luggage and apologized profusely. As I headed outside and to the car that was waiting on me, I thought back to the way Lacey looked at me when she left the studio after my radio interview. When she looked back at me over her shoulder, her eyes told all. She looked at me like she didn't want to leave. That look was full of both lust and longing. I crammed myself into the backseat, grumbling at the tight confines as the driver brought me to my hotel. Once there, I grabbed my bag and headed inside to check in. I held the door open for a woman pushing a stroller with a sleeping infant in it and she thanked me, then I turned and walked into the lobby. When I did, a tiny little thing barreled into me. "Oh!" She squeaked and shot her arms out trying to balance in the sky scraper heels she had on. "Christ Lacey, could you be any more clumsy?" An obnoxious little runt grunted. I looked down and grinned at the big brown eyes looking up at me. "Darlin this is quickly becoming a habit of ours." I chuckled. She smiled widely. "I'm sorry, crap. I didn't see you there. How I didn't see you, I don't know. You're pretty hard to miss." She held steady to my arm and giggled. I shook my head. "Well I guess it's a good thing I've got good reflexes then." I rumbled. Lacey smile big. "Lacey is always tripping over things. She's clumsy. Isn't that right Lacey?" The boy hissed. Lacey ducked her head and nodded sadly. "I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked bluntly. "I'm Chase Maxwell. Her boyfriend." He sniffed snootily. "That's nice. But I wasn't speaking to you, I was speaking to Lacey. I don't think that she's clumsy, I think she stumbled because you were dragging her behind you and she couldn't keep up. So instead of slowing down for her, you just yanked her along." I growled. Chase raised his nose in the air even higher. "Look at me you smart mouth punk." He started. So me being me, I bent my knees until I was at his height. Lacey cracked up, quickly covering her mouth to stop the giggles. "Brantley!" She grinned and swatted my shoulder. I winked at her and stood back to my full height, towering over the boy. He glared at me. "Wait, you know this guy?" He hissed at Lacey. She nodded and grinned in my direction. "Yeah, this is Brantley Gilbert. He's playing my husband in the movie I working on. We're co-stars." She introduced us. Looks like Chase didn't like that. His face turned several shades of red. I smirked and looked at him challengingly. Lacey smiled at us and said she was going to the ladies room. As soon as she was out of earshot, chase spoke up. "Keep your hands and eyes to yourself. She's my girlfriend. Not yours." He hissed. I stepped into his personal space, leaned down and lowered my voice. "Don't push me little boy. You can't handle her, we both know that." I growled warningly.

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