Chapter 31

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Brantley's POV:

A collective gasp spread through the audience, followed by sounds of female appreciation. When I looked up, I saw why. Lacey and I were sitting in the back of the theater at the premier, watching our movie debut. The sex scene was coming up, and I had just pulled off my shirt. I just shook my head. Lacey's eyes were locked to the screen, her hand absentmindedly stroking my abs through my shirt. When I pulled her into my arms onscreen, and shoved her up against the wall, the audience cooed happily. Lacey included. The more intense the scene got, the more Lacey squirmed. She was panting and biting her lip. "You alright darlin?" I whispered in her ear. She shook her head no and locked her mouth to mine. While she was kissing me, her hand slid down until it was stroking me through my pants. I growled low in my throat. "Lacey...." I warned. "Brantley please.... Need you...." She whined prettily and reached for me. Onscreen, as I moved over her, the women in the crowd moaned. "Come on darlin." I held out my hand to her and helped her to her feet. After sneaking out of the theater, we hauled ass back to the hotel. When we got to our room, Lacey stripped in record time, no longer self concious. When she first started showing, she didn't let me see her naked. She'd always keep her shirt on. It drove me crazy, I loved her changes that her body was going through. Her hips had widened, her breasts were swollen, her belly full and round. It turned me into a caveman every time I looked at her. My woman. My child. I kicked out of my boots and then I was on her, determined to wring every ounce of pleasure from her body. Lacey was so sensitive. So responsive. Anywhere I touched, kissed, stroked. She was on fire. Panting and moaning and begging for more. So I gave her what she wanted. I loved her until we were both sweaty and exhausted, completely sated and spent. "Damn...... It just gets better and better." Lacey giggled. "You realize we missed half the movie right, greedy girl?" I chuckled. Lacey shrugged. "It was totally worth it..." She purred and patted my chest. I laughed and turned Lacey onto her side, snuggling up behind her. I laid my hand protectively over her belly and cradled her close while I sang her to sleep.

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