Chapter 14

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Lacey's pov

Oh hell. What have I got myself into? I don't know how to handle this kind of man! In 2.5 seconds he had me tied in knots, babbling like a fool, and aching for more. I've never been this rough or this wanton. He truly is a drug, and that smug look on his face tells me he knows it. This is definitely all new to me; having a man that's this attentive, and aroused by me at the same time. I wonder what would happen if I.... When I stretched and arched my back, letting my hand slide over his abs, I expected him to maybe growl. And he did. But that's not all that happened. In the blink of an eye he had me pulled to his side and slightly pinned under him. I could feel him hardening against my hip and it made my thighs ach. When he spoke it gave me chills. "Someone likes playing with fire." He purred in my ear before he nipper my neck. I smiled up at him, "You told me you would feed my addiction." I whined, which surprised even me. It made Brantley ware that smug look once again. "I did say that didn't I !?" He chuckled just before he shifted his weight so I could feel him just at the edge of my entrance. I tried to shift my hips for more but he held me in place. I tried not to pout, but it didn't work. I even surprised us both when I got demanding a raised my voice at him. "Brantly Keith, that's no way to treat your girl friend that you just turned into a babbling junkie less than 5 minutes ago!" My eyes must have given me away again. No doubt the shock of my own words was written on my face. I tried to back peddle, "I mean..., I ment ... Um," but it was pointless. He kissed me to stop the babbling "You ment exactly what you said gorgeous. And I won't have it any other way. You're officially and completely all mine now." With his last words he gave me exactly what I had been after; slipping himself back inside my still aching core and letting me adjust to him again.
After round two, which lasted a bit long because someone decided to torture me, we made our way back down stairs. The note we found on the kitchen island instantly made me nauseous before we read it. Ms Becky was nowhere in sight All Brantly did was busy out laughing. The note read; Dear Son, I'm glad you finally found a good woman, and I hope one day to have many grandchildren. However that does NOT mean I want to be in the house when you make them. You two got so wound up you forgot I was cooking. The pot roast is in the oven and should be done around 5. I'm sure you can figure out how to make the corn bread. Bring your mama a plate later. Dessert will be waiting at my house. Love mama Becky.

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