Chapter 19

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Lacey's pov

Embarrassment doesn't even begin to cover how I feel right now. Three times! Three times! He made me fall over the edge three times in front of the whole filming crew! And I even lagitamently moaned his name! The pathetic part is I want more. What has this man done to me?
As soon as his shirt was on me I made a mad dash for the dressing room. Gail tried to speak to me, but I just kept walking. Well more like running. As I opened the door I heard Brantley chuckle and start to tell her to give me some space until later today and to cancel the rest of the shoot until tomorrow.
Ya there's no way hell I could face the crew tonight. It's going to take a lot to face them in the morning. Hopefully a hot shower will help me relax and unwind. I was just about to slide my toe in, and test the water, when hands slipped around my hips, and it didn't feel right. I knew right away it wasn't Brantley. Turning my head in confusion, horror struck me so hard I felt nauseous the second he spoke. "If I would have known you were that much of a wantan slut I would have treated you like that years ago. I could have made good money letting my friends watch me fuck you and have their turn." When the last words left his lips I lost it.
I've never hit someone in my life, but today I learned first hand what people ment when they say you never know what you can do until you're backed into a corner. The closest thing I could reach was my hairdryer. It made a loud thwack sound when I smashed it into the side of his head. It broke into pieces when I hit him with it a second time, making him fall into a heap on the floor. That's when I ran for it. I had no clue where Brantley was at this point. All I wanted to do was find him, and put as much distance as possible between me and Chase.
I made it back to the set in about 1.5 seconds and I was still in nothing but Brantley's shirt. Brantley was sitting in a chair next to the director. His face covered in shock, worry, and confusion. I leept into his arms before he even had a chance to ask what was wrong. All I could do was shake and sob. The only words I could say were, "he grabbed me. I think I killed him." Brantley had to shake me and basically yell to snap me out of it. "Lacey Lynn STOP!" His shout made the room fall dead quiet. "Gail call the sheriff now! Bryant lock this place down. Nobody leaves. Someone send a medic into our dressings room to make sure nobody is dead. If they are alive I'll deal with them. You." He stroked my face. "Put the robe on, breath, and wait for the cops. I'll be back as soon as I figure this out." He never asked me who, but Brantley's face told all. He knew I ment Chase and he looked murderous.

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