Chapter 33

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Brantley's POV:

"Daddy promises that I'll always protect the both of you. I'll always be your rock. I'll make sure that you're never scared. That you never want for anything. My big man, and my little princess. I love you both so much, and your momma too. She did so good. I'm so proud of her." I rumbled, talking to the twins while Lacey slept. We noticed that they liked my deep voice. Especially our little girl. Penelope Rayne and Leland Colt Gilbert. Once we made it to the hospital two days ago, Lacey's c-section went flawlessly. The babies were healthy, and I was proud as a peacock. Strutting around with my chest all puffed out. Penelope was already a daddy's girl. They were both so well behaved, but when she'd cry, the second I snuggled her into my chest and started talking, she was happy as a lamb. I set them down in the hospital cribs as they fell asleep, then resumed my place by Lacey's side. Stroking her hair and thanking God for everything I had. I heard a knock at the door and then an older woman walked in, she cooed when she saw the babies and I stood protectively. "Can I help you ma'am?" She looked harmless, but looks could be deceiving. "Easy there big guy, my name is Delores Maxwell, chase's grandmother. Lacey and I were always fairly close, and I wanted to make sure she was alright. You undoubtedly must be Brantley." She smiled. I relaxed then. "Yes ma'am, it's nice to meet you, come on in." I told her softer this time. She sat quietly, letting Lacey sleep. "I wanted to thank you young man. For protecting her, for loving her. For giving her the family and stability she never had. You have roots. You're her rock." She said. I rasped an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Lacey's mother was a child herself when she gave birth. Lacey was left at a fire station as a baby, and grew up in the system. She never had a family, no mother, no father, no one who was truly there for her. It's why she's clung to your mother so much. She's never had anyone maternal in her life. And you, you're her whole world. You and these beautiful babies." She dabbed lightly at her eyes and patted Lacey's hand affectionately. As she stood to leave, she held her hand out for me to shake. I chuckled and hugged the older woman, shocking her slightly. "My, you're a big one!" She exclaimed. "You're family too, ya know. And you're welcome at our home anytime you'd like to visit." I smiled down at her. She smiled brightly and headed out. I walked over to Lacey, who was just waking up. "Good morning beautiful." I whispered. She blushed. "Beautiful my behind. I feel like I got hit by a truck. My hair is a mess, my make up is probably smeared, and-" I cut her off with a kiss that had her melting back into the bed. "And you're absolutely perfect." I grinned down at the woman that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. "I'm ready to go home." Lacey pouted prettily. "It won't be long before we can spring you three out of here. You hungry darlin?" I asked her. "Nope. I'm good actually." She giggled. I feigned shock. "What?! Lacey isn't hungry?! Someone call the preacher, the apocalypse is coming." I laughed, she swatted my chest and giggled. When she calmed, I missed her forehead. "You know you're stuck with me now right? You're gonna have to marry me and everything." I grinned. "Brantley you've been stuck with me since the minute I walked into that radio studio with Gail. One look at you and I knew nothing would ever be the same." She smiled up at me. I kissed her softly and managed to squeeze my big frame onto the small bed without jostling her too much. She cuddled into me as much as she could, content, and safe, and absolutely perfect.

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