Chapter 26

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Lacey's pov

I don't know how long I've been tied up like this, or what Chase will do next. The tears won't stop. Stress isn't good for the baby and knowing that I'm hurting my child by acting this way doesn't help, but I can't stop. Why does this keep happening? what wrong did I do to deserve this? All I can do is try to take deep breaths and calm down. Brantley will be here soon. He has to be...
Chase stood up from the driver seat of the car and stalked towards where be left me lay on the concert. The look in his eyes was like nothing I'd ever seen. He truly has gone off the deep end. His grandmother Vanessa tried to warn me that he could be dangerous. Until she told me I had no clue mental illness ran in their family. From what she said her husband was diagnosed with some sort of narcissistic personality disorder, and his father had some sort of paranoid issues where he thought everyone was out to get him. I dont know what Chase is or has, but I'm scared to death by the way he's leering at me. "I always had a feeling you would turn out to be a slut, and run off with one of your costars. I should have locked you up a long time ago. Look at me when I'm talking to you! What makes you think you're so much better than me? That some ignorant hick can treat you better than I can; just because he can knock you up and I can't?" The look of shock on my face must have caught his attention, because he let go of my shoulders and let me drop back to the floor. Somehow I managed to partly hold my own weight even though my feet were bound, and just slide down onto my butt. All I can think about is keeping my baby safe. His words made my blood run cold when he started talking again. "That's right I know you're knocked up. I saw all your disgusting posts on social media where you let another man touch our child." "This baby is not yours Chase. Do the math theirs no possible way this baby is yours." The rage on his face when I argued with him made him look demonic. "This baby will never know the difference. It will be mine and only mine. You think I'm going to keep you around after you deliver this baby? As soon as you finish pushing Im going to choke the life out of you. Then I'll find a good mother who will help me raise this baby properly to help me take over the family business the way I'm supposed to." His words made me sick, literally I started vomiting up my lunch. That's when the bastard grabbed me by the hair of the head and pulled me to my feet. "Oh no you don't you tricky bitch. Stop. You're not going to do anything to hurt my child." He truly is demented and convinced himself this baby is his. "You're hurting me." I finally managed to sob as the vomiting stopped. The chains had twisted tighter when he chained me to a concrete post. "Chase if I don't get medical treatment and regular care this baby will die! Do you not understand that? How do you plan on keeping me, and there for the baby healthy for 7 months in this place? There's nothing here that I will need!" His face twisted into a demented smile at my words. "Oh we're not staying here. As soon as things cool down we will be on a private flight out of the country where I have plenty of doctors and help waiting to care for my baby. And of course the mother will be there around the clock to make sure you don't so anything to escape. She even came up with a way to get you on the plane without a fight. Apparently there's a sedative that's just enough to make you do what you're told and not effect the baby. I love smart women who only want to help me get what's mine and treat me like the king I am." Those were chase's last words before he hit the ground in a pool of blood two feet away from where he had bound me. My instinct was to duck, but the chains wouldn't budge.

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